Journal Article | Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program

Journal Article


Tamara Contador, Melisa Gañan, Gustavo Bizama, Guillermo Fuentes-Jaque, Luis Morales, Javier Rendoll, Felipe Simoes, James Kennedy, Ricardo Rozzi & Peter Convey. (2020) The Scientific Reports: Assessing distribution shifts and ecophysiological characteristics of the only Antarctic winged midge under climate change scenarios.

PDF icon Assesing Distribution Shilfts Article.pdf

Ricardo Rozzi. (2020) Environmental Ethics: Taxonomic Chauvinism, No More! Antidotes from Hume, Darwin, and Biocultural Ethics.

PDF icon Taxonomic Chauvanism No More!.pdf

Laura Sanchez-Jardón, is a Doctor in ecology and environment at the Complutense University of Madrid; Ricardo Rozzi is a Doctor in Ecology and a Master in Philosophy from the University of Connecticut; Bernard Goffinet is a Doctor in Botany University of Connecticut and Jorge Felipe Soza Soza

translation from Spanish has been done by Dr. Bernard Go

To read in Spanish:

PDF icon LaderaSur_2020.pdf

Benavent-Gonzalez A., Raggio J., Villagra J., Blanquer J., Pintado A., Rozzi R., Green T. G., Sancho L. (2019). New Phytologis; High nitrogen contribution by Gunnera magellanica and nitrogen transfer by mycorrhizas drive an extraordinarilty fast primary succession in sub-Antarctic Chile; (661-674).

PDF icon Benavent Gonzlez et al 2019 Gunnera N New Phytologist.pdf

Ojeda J., Marambio J., Rosenfeld S., Contador T., Rozzi R., & Mansilla A. 2019. Aquatic Botany: Seasonal changes of macroalgae assemblaes on the rocky shores of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Sub-Antactic Chanels, Chile; 33-41.

PDF icon Ojeda et al 2019 Temporal changes of macroalgae Aquatic Botany.pdf

Jara R., Crego R., Arellano F., Altamirano T., Ibarra J., Rozzi R., Jimenez J. (2019). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural: Breeding strategies of open-cup-nesting birds in sub-Antarctic forests of Navarino Island, Chile; (1-10).

PDF icon Breeding strategies open cup nesting Jara et al RCHHN 2019.pdf

Rendoll J., Contador T., Ganan M., Troncoso C., Marquez A., Convey P., Kennedy J., Rozzi R. (2019) PeerJ: Altitudinal Gradients in Maellanic Sub-Antartic Lagoons: The Effect of Elevationon Freshwater Macroinvertebrate Diversity and Distribution

PDF icon Rendoll et al 2019 Altitudinal gradients PeerJ 2019.pdf

Schuttler E., Crego R., Saavedra-Aracena Lorena., Silva-Rodriguez E., Rozzi R., Soto N., Jimenez J. (2019) Polar Biology: New Records of Invasive Mammals From the Sub-Antarctic Cape Horn Archipelago.

PDF icon Schuettler et al 2019 Polar Biology.pdf

Manuela O. Méndez, Lohengrin Cavieres, Ricardo Rozzi. "Jardineras Subantárcticas: Conocimiento y Valoración de la Flora Altoandina." Magallania (Chile), Vol.46(1):125-135.

Sub-Antarctic Gardens: Knowledge and Appreciation of the High Andean Flora

PDF icon Magallania 2018 Jardineras Subantarticas Mendez et al.pdf

Lily Lewis, Caroline Gottschalk-Druschke, Camila Saldías, Roy Mackenzie, Javiera Malebrán, Bernard Goffinet, Ricardo Rozzi. "Cultivando un Jardín de Nombres en los Bosques en Miniatura del Cabo de Hornos: Extensión de la Conservación Biocultural y la Ética a Seres Vivos Poco Percibidos." Magallania (Chile), Vol. 46(1):103-123.

Cultivating Name Gardens in the Miniature Forests of Cape Horn: An Extension of Biocultural Conservation and Ethics to Rarely Seen Living Beings.

PDF icon Magallania 2018 Lewis et al CULTIVANDO UN JARDÍN DE NOMBRES.pdf

Javiera Malebrán, Ricardo Rozzi. "Análisis de los Cursos de Filosofía Ambiental de Campo en el Parque Etnobotánico Omora, Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos, Chile" Magallania (Chile) Vol.46(1):207-225.

Analysis of the Field Environmental Philosophy Courses at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile

PDF icon Magallania 2018 Malebran Rozzi Cursos Filac.pdf

Jaime Ojeda, Ricardo Rozzi, Sebastián Rosenfeld, Tamara Contador, Francisca Massardo, Javiera Malebrán, Julia González-Calderón, Andrés Mansilla. "Interacciones Bioculturales del Pueblo Yagan con las Macroalgas y Moluscos: Una Aproximación Desde la Filosofía Ambiental del Campo." Magallania (Chile) Vol. 46(1):155-181.

Biocultural Interactions of the Yaghan People with Macroalgae and Mollusks: A Field Environmental Philosophy Approach.

PDF icon Magallania 2018 Ojeda et al.pdf

Angelina Paredes Castellanos, Ricardo Rozzi. "Homogeneización Biocultural: Exotización del Paisaje Femenino Latinoamericano." Magallania (Chile) Vol. 46(1):237-248.

Biocultural Homogenization: Exotisation of the Latin American Feminine Landscape.

PDF icon Magallania 2018 Paredes Rozzi Homogeneizacion Biocultural.pdf

Ricardo Rozzi. "Cabo de Hornos: Un Crisol Biogeográfico en la Cumbre Austral de América." Magallania (Chile) Vol. 46(1):79-101.

Cape Horn: A Biogeographic Crucible at the Southern Summit of America.


Ricardo Rozzi. "Transformaciones del Pensamiento de Darwin en Cabo de Hornos: Un Legado para la Ciencia y la Ética Ambiental." Magallania (Chile) Vol. 46(1):267-277.

Ricardo Rozzi. Transformations in Darwin's Thinking in Cape Horn: A Legacy for Environmental Science and Ethics.

PDF icon Magallania 2018 Rozzi Darwin Cabo Hornos.pdf

Elke Schüttler, Lorena Saavedra-Aracena, Jaime E. Jiménez. "Domestic carnivore interactions with wildlife in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile: husbandry and perceptions of impact from a community perspective." PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.4124

Hundreds of millions of domestic carnivores worldwide have diverse positive affiliations with humans, but can provoke serious socio-ecological impacts when free-roaming.

PDF icon Domestic carnivore interactions PeerJ.pdf

Tamara Contador, Ricardo Rozzi, James Kennedy, Francisca Massardo, Jaime Ojeda, Paula Caballero, Yanet Medina, Rodrigo Molina, Fernando Saldivia, Flavio Berchez, Andres Stambuk, Veronica Morales, Kelli Moses, Melisa Gañan, Gonzalo Arriagada, Javier Rendoll, Francisco Olivares, Silvia Lazzarino. "Sumergidos Con Lupa en los Ríos del Cabo de Hornos: Valoración Ética de los Ecosistemas Dulceacuícolas y Sus Habitantes." Magallania (Chile) Vol. 46(1):183-206.

Underwater with Magnifying Glass in the Rivers of Cape Horn: An Ethical Valuation of Freshwater Ecosystems and Their Inhabitants.

PDF icon Magallania 2018 Contador et al Sumergidos Lupa.pdf

Christian Kirk, Ricardo Rozzi, Stefan Gelcich. "El Turismo Como Una Herramienta Para la Conservación del Elefante Marino del Sur (Mirounga Leonina) y Sus Habitats en Tierra del Fuego, Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos, Chile." Magallania (Chile), Vol46(1):65-78.

"Tourism as a Tool for Conservation of the Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga Leonina) and its Habitat in Tierra del Fuego, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile."

PDF icon Magallania 2018 Kirk et al elefante marino.pdf

Crego R., Jimenez J., Rozzi R. (2018). Mammal Search: Macro- and micro-habitat selection of small rodents and their predation risk perception under a novel invasive predator at the southern end of the Americas.

PDF icon Crego Jimenez Rozzi 2018 Mammal Review.pdf

Ramiro Crego, Nora Ward, Jaime E. Jiménez, Francisca Massardo, Ricardo Rozzi. "Los Ojos del Árbol: Percibiendo, Registrando, Comprendiendo, y Contrarrestando las Invasiones Biológicas en Tiempos de Rápida Homogeneización Biocultural.". Magallania (Chile), Vol.46(1):137-153.

The Eyes of the Tree: Observing, Registering, Understanding and Counteracting Biological Invasions in Times of Rapid Biocultral Homogenization

PDF icon Magallania 2018 Crego et al.pdf

Ricardo Rozzi. ""La Filosofía Ambiental de Campo y la Ecorregión Subantárctica de Magallanes Como un Laboratorio Natural en el Antropoceno." Magallania (Chile), Vol.46(1):7-15.

Field Environmental Philosophy and the Sub-Antarctic Ecoregion of Magallanes as a Natural Laboratory in the Anthropocene

PDF icon Magallania 2018 Intro Rozzi.pdf

Ricardo Rozzi: El valor intrinsico de la naturaleza, Endemico, Sept 2017, no. 1: 23-35.

PDF icon Rozzi entrevista Revista_Endemico Sep 17 2017.pdf

Reports an apparently novel and taxonomically diverse grouping of plants that continuously maintain high tissue sodium contents and share the rare feature of possessing symbiotic cyanobacteria.

Green TGA, Sancho LG, Pintado A, Saco D, Martín S, Arróniz-Crespo M, Casermeiro MA, de la Cruz Caravaca MT, Cameron S, Rozzi R. (2017). Sodium chloride accumulation in glycophyte plants with cyanobacterial symbionts. AoB PLANTS 9: plx053, doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plx053.

PDF icon Green Rozzi et al. 2017 Sodium chloride accumulation AoBplants.pdf

Estimates spatial genetic structure and phylogeographic relationships within the bipolar lineage of T etraplodon which includes T. fuegianus.

Lewis, L.R., Biersma, E.M., Carey, S.B., Holsinger, K., McDaniel, S.F., Rozzi, R., Goffinet, B. (2017). Resolving the northern hemisphere source region for the long-distance dispersal event that gave rise to the South American endemic dung moss Tetraplodon fuegianus. American Journal of Botany.

PDF icon Lewis Rozzi Goffinet et al 2017 Tetraplodon fuegianus Am Jour Botany.pdf

Fausto O. Sarmiento, J. Tomas Ibarra, Antonia Barreau, J. Cristobal Pizarro, Ricardo Rozzi, Juan A. Gonzalez, and Larry Frolich; Applied Montology Using Critical Biogeography in the Andes; 416-428.

PDF icon Sarmiento et al 2017 Applied Montology Using Critical Biogeography in the Andes.pdf

Juan L Celis-Diez, Javiera Diaz-Forestier, Marcela Marquez-Garcia, Silvia Lazzarino, Ricardo Rozzi, and Juan J Armesto; The Ecology Society of America; 408-410.

PDF icon Frontiers in Ecology Celis-Diez et al FEE 2016.pdf

Lily R. Lewis, Yang Liu, Ricardo Rozzi and Bernard Goffinet; Infraspecific variation within and across complete organellar genomes and nuclear ribosomal repeats in a moss; 195-199.

PDF icon Lewis Liu Rozzi Goffinet MPE 2016.pdf

Fernández-Martínez, M.A., Pointing, S.B., Pérez-Ortega, S., Arróniz-Crespo, M., Green, T. G., Rozzi, R., Sancho, L.G., de los Ríos, A. (2016) Functional ecology of soil microbial communities along a glacier forefield in Tierra del Fuego (Chile). International Microbiology, 19(3): 161-173. doi:10.2436/20.1501.01.274

A previously established chronosequence from Pia Glacier forefield in Tierra del Fuego (Chile) containing soils of different ages (from bare soils to forest ones) is analyzed.

PDF icon Fernandez_Martinez Rozzi et al 2016 Functional Ecology Soil International Microbiology & Sup materials.pdf

C.S., Hernandez Faccio, J.M., Schuttle, E., Rozzi, R., Garcia, M., Yadira Mezza, A., Clusener Godt, M. (2016)Material Culture Reviews,82-83.

This paper presents case studies on different approaches to sustainable development carried out in the UNESCO MAB (Man and Biosphere) World Biosphere Reserve Network in Latin America and the Caribbean.

PDF icon Karez Rozzi et al. 2016 Biosphere Reserves Material Culture Review.pdf

Fernande-Martinez M., Pointing S., Perez-Ortega S., Arroniz-Crespo M., Green T.G., Rozzi R., Sancho L., De los Rios A. (2016). International Microbiology: Functional ecology of soil microbial communities along a glacier forefield inTierra del Fuego (Chile); Vol 19. 161-173

PDF icon Fernandez_Martinez et al Functional Ecology Soil International Microbiology & Sup materials 2016.pdf

Authored by, Fabian Campos



PDF icon Chile polo de investigación subantártica JJed 09Nov16 (002).pdf

Ricardo Rozzi Marin; La Cumbre Forestal; 26-31.

PDF icon Rozzi 2016 Centro Cabo Hornos Revista UC.pdf

Dario Moreira-Arce, Pablo M. Vergara, Stan Boutin, Gonzalo Carrasco, Raul Briones, Gerardo E. Soto, Jaime E. Jimenez; Forest Ecology and Management; (2016) pp. 135-143.369

PDF icon 94 Moreira-Arce etal MesocarnivoresLIDAR 2016 ForEcol&Manage 1-s2.0-S0378112716301001-main.pdf

Ricardo Rozzi; Bioetica Global Y Etica Biocultural; 339-355.

PDF icon Bioetica global y etica biocultural Rozzi Cuadernos de Bioética XXVII 2016.pdf

Javier Rendoll Carcamo, Tamara Contador, Ramiro D. Crego, Natalia I. Jordan, Elke Schuttler, Melisa Ganan, Jaime E. Jimenez, Ricardo Rozzi, Francisca Massardo and James H. Kennedy;133-136.80

PDF icon Rendoll_et_al Vespula Gayana 2016.pdf

Alfredo H. Zuniga, Jaime E. Jimenez and Pablo Ramirez de Arellano; Activity patterns in sympatric carnivores in the Nahuelbuta Mountain Range, southern-central Chile; 1-9.

PDF icon 98 Zuniga etal ActivitySympatricCarnivoresNahuelbuta 2016 Mammalia.pdf

Roy Mackenzie, Lily R. Lewis and Ricardo Rozzi; Nuevo Registro de Sphagnum falcatulum Besch (Sphanaceae) en Isla Navarino, Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos; 79-84.

PDF icon Mackenzie Lewis Rozzi Anales Inst Patagonia 2016.pdf

Jaime E. Jimenez, Alex E. Jahn, Ricardo Rozzi and Nathaniel E. Seavy; First Documented Migration of Individual White-Crested Elaenias (Elaenia albiceps chilensis) in South America; 419-425.

PDF icon ElaeniaMigration 2016 WJO.pdf

Jose Antonio Molina, Ana Lumbreras, Alberto Benavent-Gonzalez, Ricardo Rozzi & Leopoldo G. Sancho; Gayana Bot. 73(2): 391-401, 2016

PDF icon Plant communities on Isla Navarino Gayana Molina et al 2016.pdf

Maass, M., P. Balvanera, P. Bourgeron, M. Equihua, J. Baudry, J. Dick, M. Forsius, L. Halada, K. Krauze, M. Nakaoka, D. E. Orenstein, T. W. Parr, C. L. Redman, R. Rozzi, M. Santos-Reis, A. M. Swemmer, and A. Vădineanu. 2016. Changes in biodiversity and trade-offs among ecosystem services, stakeholders, and components of well-being: the contribution of the International Long-Term Ecological Research network (ILTER) to Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS). Ecology and Society 21(3):31.

PDF icon ILTER Omora Park Mass_ Rozzi et al. Ecology & Society 2016.pdf

Raimilla, V., T. Rivas-Fuenzalida, A. Kusch, J.E. Jiménez, J. Díaz, J. Toledo & A. García. 2015. Incidence of cartwheeling flights in raptors of south-central Chile. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127:289-297

PDF icon 93 Raimilla etal CartwheelingFlightsRaptorChile 2015 WJOb.pdf

Cueto, V.R., A.E. Jahn, D.T. Tuero, A.C. Guaraldo, J.H. Sarasola, S.P. Bravo, V. Gómez, J.I. Giraldo, D.A. Masson, M. MacPherson & J.E. Jiménez. 2015. [The migratory birds of South America: new techniques reveals information on their behavior.] Ciencia Hoy (Argentina) 24:19-25.

PDF icon Cueto etal SouthAmericanMigrants CienciaHoy 20Mar15.pdf

Crego, R.D., J.E. Jiménez & R. Rozzi. 2015. [Expansion of the American mink (Neovison vison) invasion in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile.] Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia (Chile) 43:1-6.

PDF icon 92 Crego etal ExpansionOfMinkinTierraDelFuego 2015 AnInsPat.pdf

Ramiro D. Crego, Jaime E. Jimenez & Ricardo Rozzi. Expansion de la invasion del Vison Norteamericano (Neovison vison) en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Cabo de Hornos, Chile.2015. Anales Instituto Patagonia (Chile) Vol. 43(1):157-162.

PDF icon Crego et al 2015 Anales Inst Patagonia.pdf

Ricardo Rozzi & Elke Schuttler. Primera decada de investigacion y educacion en la Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos: el enfoque biocultural del Parque Etnobotanico Omora. 2015. Anales Instituto Patagonia (Chile), Vol. 43(2):19-43

PDF icon Rozzi & Schuettler 2015 Anales Inst Patagonia.pdf

Rozzi R. (2014). Hacia una Etica Biocultural Planetaria Interegonial: Aproximaciones, Metodologias y Propuestas Desde el Sur del Mundo; 1-8.

PDF icon Rozzi_Barcelona 2014.pdf

Sepúlveda, A. & J.E. Jiménez. 2014. [Strengths of the tutorial model for natural science education learning: feedback from the users]. Revista de Educación en Biología (Argentina) 17:71-87.

PDF icon 89 Sepulveda&Jiménez ExperienciasDeAprendizaje 2014 RevEducBiol.pdf

Fonturbel, F.E. & J.E. Jiménez. 2014. Does bird species diversity vary among forest types? A local-scale test in southern Chile. Naturwissenschaften 101:855-854. DOI: 10.1007/s00114-014-1222-y

PDF icon 87 Fontúrbel&Jiménez BirdsNahuelbuta 2014 Naturwiss.pdf

Contador, T., J. Kennedy, J. Ojeda, P. Feinsinger & R. Rozzi.2014. Ciclos de vida de insectos dulceacuícolas y cambio climático global en la ecorregión subantártica de Magallanes: investigaciones ecológicas a largo plazo en el Parque Etnobotánico Omora, Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos (55°S). Bosque: 35(3): 429-437

PDF icon Contador Kennedy Ojeda Feinsinger Rozzi Bosque 2014 Invertebrados LTSER Chile.pdf

González-Acuña, D., K. Ardiles, L. Moreno, S. Muñoz, R. Vásquez, C. Celis, R. Rozzi & A. Cicchino. 2014. Lice species (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from Chilean Picidae (Aves: Piciformes). Entomological News 124: 109-119.

PDF icon Gonzalez-Acuña etal 2014 Lice Species from Chilean Picidae Entomological Review.pdf

Armesto, J.J. M. Núñez, P. Donoso & R. Rozzi. 2014. Introducción a la Sección Especial de Revista Bosque. Avances de una red de sitios de estudios ecológicos a largo plazo en el suroeste de Sudamérica. Bosque 35(3): 413-414

PDF icon Armesto Nunez Donoso Rozzi Bosque 2014 LTSER _Chile.pdf

Crego, Ramiro D., J.E. Jiménez, C. Soto, O. Barroso, & R. Rozzi. 2014. Tendencias poblacionales del visón norteamericano invasor (Neovison vison) y sus principales presas nativas desde su arribo a isla Navarino, Chile. Boletín de la Red Latinoamericana para el Estudio de Especies Invasoras. 4.1

PDF icon Cregoetal.2014c.pdf

Gaxiola, A., J.L. Celis-Diez, R. Rozzi & J. Gutiérrez. 2014. Estudios socio-ecológicos de largo plazo en los sitios fundadores de la red RSELP -Chile: desafíos y oportunidades para el futuro. Bosque 35(3): 421-428

PDF icon Gaxiola Celis Rozzi Gutierrez Bosque 2014 Investigacion LTSER Chile .pdf

Ricardo Rozzi Marin; "Hay que pensar con el corazon"; 18.

PDF icon Revista Explora CONICYT Pensar con el Corazon Rozzi 2014.pdf

Ojeda, J., J, Marambio, S. Rosenfeld, R. Rozzi & A. Mansilla. 2014. Patrones estacionales y espaciales de la diversidad de moluscos intermareales de bahía Róbalo, canal Beagle, Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos, Chile. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 49: 493-509

PDF icon Ojeda et al Moluscos Rev Biología Marina y Oceanografía 2014.pdf

Rozzi, R., F. Masssardo, T. Contador, R.D. Crego, M. Méndez, R. Rijal, L. Cavieres & J.E. Jiménez. 2014. Filosofía ambiental de campo: ecología y ética en las redes LTER-Chile e ILTER. Bosque 35(3): 439-447

PDF icon Rozzi et al 2014 Bosque Fil Amb Campo.pdf

Arróniz-Crespo, M., S. Pérez-Ortega, A. de los Ríos, T.G.A Green, R. Ochoa-Hueso, M.A. Casermeiro, M.T. de la Cruz, A. Pintado, D. Palacios, R. Rozzi, N. Tysklind & L.G. Sancho. 2014. Bryophyte-cyanobacteria associations during primary succession in recently deglaciated areas of Tierra del Fuego (Chile). PLoS ONE 9(5): 1-14 (e96081; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096081)

PDF icon Arroniz-Crespo et al Bryophytes Plos One 2014.pdf

Lewis. L.R., E. Behling, H. Gousse, E. Qian, C.S. Elphick1, J.F Lamarre, J. Bêty, J. Liebezeit, R. Rozzi & B. Goffinet. 2014. First evidence of bryophyte diaspores in the plumage of transequatorial migrant birds. PeerJ 2:e424

PDF icon Lewis et al 2014 Birds bryophyte diaspores PeerJ.pdf

Reyes-Arriagada, R, Jiménez, J.E, & R. Rozzi. 2014. Daily Patterns of Activity of Passerine Birds in a Magellanic Sub-Antarctic Forest at Omora Park (55°S), Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile.

PDF icon 90 Reyes-Arriagada etal BirdActivity 2015 PBiology.pdf

Jiménez, J.E., R. D. Crego, G.E. Soto, I. Román, R. Rozzi & P.M. Vergara.2014. Potential impact of the alien American mink (Neovison vison) on Magellanic woodpeckers (Campephilus magallanicus) in Navarino Island, southern Chile. Biological Invasions: 16:961-966

PDF icon Jimenez et al 2014 Biological Invasions Mink & woodpecker.pdf

Jiménez, J.E., A.M. Arriagada, F.E. Fontúrbel, P.A. Camus, & M.I. Ávila-Thieme. 2013. Effects of exotic fish farms on bird communities in lake and marine ecosystems. Naturwissenschaften, DOI 10.1007/s00114-013-1076-8.

PDF icon 85 Jiménez etal FishFarmsBirds 2013 Naturwiss.pdf

Carneiro, A.P.B., J.E. Jiménez, P.M. Vergara, & T.H. White, Jr. 2013. Nest-site selection by Slender-billed Parakeets in a Chilean agricultural-forest mosaic. Journal of Field Ornithology, 84: 13 - 22.

84:13 - 22
PDF icon 84 Carneiro etal EnicognathusNestSiteSelection 2013 JFO.pdf

Vergara, P.M., C.G. Pérez-Hernández, I.J. Hahn, & J.E. Jiménez. 2013. Matrix composition and corridor function for austral thrushes in a fragmented temperate forest. Landscape Ecology, DOI 10.1007/s10980-012-9821-5 .

PDF icon 83 Vergara etal MatrixComposition 2013 LandEcol.pdf

Crego, R.D. & J.E. Jiménez. 2013. [Report on a pilot study of ecological aspects of the exotic American mink (Neovison vison) on Navarino Island, Chile.] Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA. 50 pp.

PDF icon Crego&Jimenez MinkNavarino RC 24Jun13.pdf

Eric Shipton, Tierra de Tempestades. 2013. Magallania (Chile). Vol. 41(2):231-242

PDF icon Rozzi Revision Occidente Fueguino Martinic Magallania 2013.pdf

Raimilla V., H.V. Norambuena, J.E. Jiménez. 2013. A Record of Reverse Mounting in the Rufous-Tailed Hawk (Buteo ventralis) in Southern Chile. J. Raptor Res., 47(3): 326-327

PDF icon 86 Raimilla etal ReverseMounting 2013 JRR.pdf

Mendez, M, R. Rozzi & L. Cavieres. 2013. Flora vascular y musgos en la zona altoandina de la Isla Navarino (55ºS), Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos, Chile. Gayana Botanica. 70: 337 - 343.

PDF icon Musgos & flora vascular altoandina Navarino Mendes Rozzi Cavieres Gayana 2013.pdf

Jiménez J.E., R.D. Crego, G.E. Soto, I. Román, R. Rozzi, & P.M. Vergara. 2013. Potential impact of the Alien American Mink (Neovison vison) on Magellanic woodpeckers (Campephilus magellanicus) in Navarino Island, Southern Chile. Biological Invasions, DOI 10.1007/s10530-013-0549-1

PDF icon 87 Jimenez etal Mink-woodpeckers 2013 BiolInv.pdf

Rozzi, R. & E. Schüttler. 2013. Protecting a land of fire and ice. The World of Science, 11: 23 - 27.

PDF icon Rozzi2013.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2012. Catalizando un Diálogo Planetario Interregional sobre Filosofía Ambiental. Environmental Ethics, 34: 5 -6.

PDF icon Rozzi Catalizando Env Ethics 34 (S4) 2012.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2012. Catalyzing an Interegional Planetary Dialogue on Environmental Philosophy. Environmental Ethics, 34: 341-342.

PDF icon Rozzi Env Ethics Intro South American 2012.pdf

Contador, T.A., J.H. Kennedy, & R. Rozzi. 2012. The Conservation Status of Southern South American Aquatic Insects in the Literature. Biodiversity Conservation 21: 2095 - 2107.

21:2095 - 2107
PDF icon Conservation status of So S A Aquatic insects Biodivers Conserv 2012.pdf

Anderson, C.B., J.L. Celis-Diez, B.J. Bond, G.M. Pastur, C. Little, J.J. Armesto, C. Ghersa, A. Austin, T. Schlichter, A. Lara, M. Carmona, E.J. Chaneton, J.R. Gutierrez, R. Rozzi, K. Vanderbilt, G. Oyarce, & R.J. Fernández. 2012. Progress in creating a joint research agenda that allows networked long-term socio-ecological research in southern South America: Addressing crucial technological and human capacity gaps limiting its application in Chile and Argentina. Austral Ecology, 37: 529 - 536.

PDF icon Anderson et al Austral Ecology 2012 (LTSER) .pdf

Ibarra, J.T., A. Barreau, F. Massardo, & R. Rozzi. 2012. El cóndor andino: una especie biocultural clave del paisaje sudamericano. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología, 18: 1-22

PDF icon Bol Ornitologia Chile_El cóndor andino. Una especie biocultural clave Ibarra et al_2012.pdf

Vergara P.M., C.G. Perez-Hernandez, I.J. Hahn, & J.E. Jiménez. 2012. Matrix composition and corridor function for austral thrushes in a fragmented temperate forest. Lansdscape Ecology DOI 10.1007/s10980-012-9821-5

PDF icon 83 Vergara etal MatrixComposition 2012 LandEcol.pdf

Carneiro, A.P.B., J.E. Jiménez, T.H. White, Jr., & M.R. Soto-Gamboa. 2012. Distribution of Slender-Billed Parakeets
(Enicognathus Leptorhynchus) in a Fragmented Agricultural Landscape of Southern Chile. Ornitologia Neotropical 23: 201 - 213.

23:201 - 213
PDF icon 82 Carneiro etal EnicognathusInFragmentedLandscapes 2012 OrnNeo.pdf

Eduardo, G.A., F. Vidal, G. Garay, J.E. Jiménez, J.A Smith-Flueck, N. Tomas, P.B. de Decima, V. Geist, W. Flueck, & Z. Gizejewski. 2012. Reassessment of morphology and historical distribution as factors in conservation efforts for the Endangered Patagonian Huemul Deer Hippocamelus bisulcus (Molina 1782). Journal of Threatened Taxa 4(14): 3302 - 3311.

4:3302 - 3311
PDF icon 80 Smith etal HuemulHabitatUse 2012 JoTT.pdf

Soto G.E., P.M. Vergara, M.E. Lizama, C.Celis, R. Rozzi, Q.Duron, I.J. Hahn, & J.E. Jiménez. 2012. Do beavers improve the habitat quality for Magellanic Woodpeckers? Bosque (Valdivia) [online]. 33: 271 - 274.

33:271 - 274
PDF icon 81 Soto etal MagellanicWoodpeckerBeavers 2012 Bosque.pdf

Pizarro, J.C., C.B. Anderson, & R. Rozzi. 2012. Birds as marine-terrestrial linkages in sub-polar archipelagic systems: avian community composition, function and seasonal dynamics in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve (54-55 °S), Chile. Polar Biol, 35: 39 - 51.

PDF icon Pizarro Anderson Rozzi 2012 Polar Biology .pdf

Rozzi, R. 2012. Filosofía Ambiental Sudamericana: Raíces Amerindias Ancestrales y Ramas Académicas Emergentes. Environmental Ethics, 34: 9 -32.

PDF icon Rozzi Envirnomental Ethics Sudamerica Esp 34 (S4) 2012.pdf

Mansilla, A., J. Ojeda, & R. Rozzi. 2012. Cambio climático global en el contexto de la ecorregión subantártica de magallanes y la Reserva de Biósfera Cabo de Hornos. Anales Instituto Patagonia, 40: 69 - 76.

PDF icon Mansilla et al 2012 Anales Inst Patagonia Cambio Global.pdf

Mansilla, A., J. Ojeda, & R. Rozzi. 2012. Global Climate Change In The Eco-Region Subantarctic of Magellan and the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. Anales Instituto Patagonia (Chile), 2012. 40: 69 - 76.

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Norambuena, H.V., V. Raimilla, & J.E. Jiménez. 2012. Breeding behavior of a pair of Rufous-tailed hawks (Buteo ventralis) in southern Chile. Journal of Raptor Research 46: 64 - 68.

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Rozzi, R., J.J. Armesto, J. Gutierrez, F. Massardo, G. Likens, C.B. Anderson, A. Poole, K. Moses, E. Hargrove, A. Mansilla, J.H. Kennedy, M. Willson, K. Jax, C.G. Jones, J. B. Callicott, & M.T.K. Arroyo. 2012. Integrating ecology and environmental ethics: earth stewardship in the southern end of the Americas. Bioscience. 2: 226 - 236.

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Massardo, F., A. Mansilla, J.J. Armesto, & Rozzi, R. 2012. Ecología y Filosofía Ambiental desde el Confín Austral de América. Environmental Ethics, 34: 7 -8.

PDF icon Massardo et al Environmental Ethics Sudamerica 34 (S4) 2012.pdf

Jiménez, J.E., C. Briceño, H. Alcaíno, P. Vásquez, S. Funk, & D. González-Acuña. 2012. Coprologic survey of endoparasites from Darwin's fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes) in Chiloé, Chile. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 44: 93 - 97.

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Carneiro, A.P.B., J.E. Jiménez, & T.H. White, Jr. 2012. Post-fledging habitat selection by the slender-billed parakeet (Enicognathus leptorhynchus) in a fragmented agricultural landscape of southern Chile. The Condor 114: 166 - 172.

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Rozzi, R. 2012. Biocultural ethics: Recovering the Vital Links between the Inhabitants, Their Habits, and Habitats. Environmental Ethics, 34: 27-50.

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Rozzi, R.. 2012. Conservación transdisciplinaria e intercultural. Conservación Ambiental 2(1): 32-35 (

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Rozzi, R. 2012. South American Environmental Philosophy: Ancestral Amerindian Roots and Emergent Academic Branches. Environmental Ethics, 34: 339-366.

PDF icon Rozzi Env Ethics South American Env Philosophy 2012.pdf

Fontùrbel, F.E., & J.E. Jiménez. 2011. Environmental and ecological architects: Guidelines for the Chilean temperate rainforest management derived from the monito del monte (Dromicipos gliroides) conservation. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 84: 203 - 211.

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Murcia, S., B. Kerans, B. MacConnell & T. Koel. 2011. Correlation of environmental attributes with histopathology of native Yellowstone cutthroat trout naturally infected with Myxobolus cerebralis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 93: 225 - 234.

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Fontúrbel, F.E., & J.E. Jiménez. 2011. Conectando la ecología de una especie con la conservación de ecosistemas: el caso del monito del monte (Dromiciops gliroides). Revista Chagual 9: 61 - 64.

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Sepúlveda, A., J.E. Jiménez, G. Gajardo, P. Álvarez-Santullano, J. Santos, I. Acuña, & E. Cisternas. 2011. The forest resource: alternative for learning natural sciences. Boletín de Educación 41: 9 - 30.

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Jofre, J., B. Goffinet, P. Marino, R.A. Raguso, S.S. Nihei, F. Massardo, & R. Rozzi. 2011. First evidence of insect attraction by a Southern Hemisphere Splachnaceae: The case of Tayloria dubyi Broth. in the Reserve Biosphere Cape Horn, Chile. Nova Hedwigia 92: 317-326.

PDF icon Jofre_et_al._Nova_Hedwigia_2011.pdf

Rozzi R. 2011. Field environmental philosophy: regaining an understanding of the vital links between the inhabitants, their habits and the regional habitats. Dialogue and Universalism No. 1-2/2011

PDF icon Rozzi 2011 Dialogue & Universalism.pdf

Sepúlveda, A., J.E. Jiménez, G. Gajardo, P. Álvarez-Santullano, I. Acuña, J. Santos, & E. Cisternas. 2011. Learning live science in the forest. Revista de Pedagogía 466: 4 - 23.

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Silva-Rodríguez, E.A., O.A. Aleuy, M. Fuentes-Hurtado, J.A. Vianna, F. Vidal, & J.E. Jiménez. 2011. Priorities for the conservation of the pudu (Pudu puda) in southern South America. Animal Production Science 51:375 - 377.

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Schüttler, E., Rozzi R., & K. Jax. 2011. Towards a societal discourse on invasive species management: A case study of public perceptions of mink and beavers in Cape Horn. Journal for Nature Conservation, 19: 175 - 184.

PDF icon Schuettler Rozzi Jax 2011 J Nature Conservation.pdf

Rijal, R., R.B. Chhetri, & R. Rozzi. 2011. How Best to Support Livelihoods of Blacksmiths with Minimum Impact on Forest Products. Himalayan Journal of Sciences 7: 7 - 8.

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Noguera, A.P. & R. Rozzi. 2011. A Tribute to Carlos Augusto Angel Maya. Environmental Ethics 33: 3 - 4.

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Smith-Flueck, J.M., J. Barrio, N. Ferreyra, A. Nuñez, N. Tomas, J. Guzman, W.T. Flueck, A. Hinojosa, F. Vidal, G. Garay, & J.E. Jiménez. 2011. Advances in ecology and conservation of Hippocamelus species in South America. Animal Production Science 51:378 - 383.

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Rozzi, R. & F. Massardo. 2011. The road to biocultural ethics. Frontiers in Ecology 9: 246 - 247

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Jiménez, J.E., & T H. White, Jr. 2011. Use of tree cavities for nesting by Speckled Teal (Anas flavirostris) in southern Chile: potential competition with the Slender-billed parakeet (Enicognathus leptorhynchus). Ornitología Neotropical 22: 465 - 469.

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Armesto, J. J., D. Manuschevich, A. Mora, C. Smith-Ramirez, R. Rozzi, A. M. Abarzúa, & P. A. Marquet 2010 From the Holocene to the Anthropocene:  A historical framework for land cover change in southwestern South America in the past 15,000 years. Land Use Policy 27: 148-160.

PDF icon Armesto et al 2010 Land Use Policy.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2010. Field Environmental Philosophy: Regaining an understanding of the inextricable links between the regional habitats, the inhabitants and their habits. Dialogue and Universalism 21: 85-109.

PDF icon Rozzi Dialogue & Universalism 2011.pdf

Berghoefer, U., R. Rozzi, & K. Jax. 2010. Many Eyes on Nature:  Diverse Perspectives in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve and Their Relevance for Conservation. Ecology & Society 15: 18.

PDF icon Bergohoefer et al 2010 EandS.pdf

Anderson, C.B. & A.D. Rosemond. 2010. Beaver invasion alters terrestrial subsidies to subantarctic stream food webs. Hydrobiologia 652: 349-361.

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Navarro, N.P., A. Mansilla, & E.M. Plastino. 2010. UVB radiation induced changes in ultrastructure of Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory de Saint-Vincent, (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). Micron 41: 899-903.

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Navarro, N.P., M. Palacios, A. Mansilla, & J. Jofre. 2010. Morphological and growth alterations on early development stages of Iridaea cordata (Rhodophyta) under different intensities of UVB radiation. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 45(2): 255-265.

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Souza, B.W.S., F.K. Andrade, D.I.A. Teixeira, A. Mansilla, A.L.P Freitas. 2010. Haemagglutinin of the antarctic seaweed Georgiella confluens (Reinsch) Kylin: isolation and partial characterization. Polar Biology 33(10):1311-1318.

PDF icon Haemagglutinin of the antarctic seaweed Georgiella Confluens Mansilla.pdf

Ibarra, J.T., C.B. Anderson, T.A. Altamirano, R. Rozzi, & C. Bonacic. 2010. Diversity and singularity of the avifauna in the austral peat bogs of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 37: 29-43.

PDF icon Ibarra et al 2010 Ciencia e Investigacion Agraria.pdf

Rozzi, R., C.B. Anderson, J.C. Pizarro, F. Massardo, Y. Medina, A.O. Mansilla, J.H. Kennedy, J. Ojeda, T. Contador, V. Morales, K. Moses, A. Poole, J.J. Armesto, & M.T.K. Arroyo. 2010. Field envirnomental philosophy and biocultural conservation at the Omora Ethnobotanical park: Methodological approaches to broaden the ways of integrating the social component ("S") in Long-Term-Socio-Ecological Research (:TSER) Sites. Revista Chilena Historia Natural 83: Material Complementario.

PDF icon RCHHN_Rozzi_et_al_2010 (English Omora Field Env Philosophy)BAJA.pdf

Wallem, P.K., C.B. Anderson, G.M. Pastur, & M. V. Lencinas. 2010. Community re-assembly by an exotic herbivore, Castor canadensis, in subantarctic forests, Chile and Argentina. Biological Invasions 12: 325-335.


Zúñiga, A.H. & J.E. Jiménez. 2010. Use of non-invasive techniques for ecological studies in carnivores: a quantitative analysis. Gestión Ambiental 19:67-96.

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Carmona, M.R., J.C. Aravena, M.A. Bustamante-Sanchez, J.L. Celis-Diez, A. Charrier, I.A. Díaz, J. Díaz-Forestier, M.F. Díaz, A. Gaxiola, A.G. Gutiérrez, C. Hernández-Pellicer, S. Ippi, R. Jaña-Prado, P. Jara-Arancio, J.E. Jiménez, D. Manuschevich, P. Necochea, M. Nuñez-Avila, C. Papic, C. Pérez, F. Pérez, S. Reid, L. Rojas, B. Salgado, C. Smith-Ramirez, A. Troncoso, R.A. Vásquez, M.F. Willson, R. Rozzi, & J.J. Armesto. 2010. Estación Biológica Senda Darwin: Investigación ecológica de largo plazo en la interfase ciencia-sociedad Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 113 - 142.

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Smith-Ramírez, C., J.L. Celis-Diez, E. von Jenstchyk, J.E. Jiménez, & J.J. Armesto. 2010. Habitat use of remnant forest habitats by the threatened arboreal marsupial Dromiciops gliroides (Microbiotheria) in a rural landscape of southern Chile. Wildlife Research 37:249-254.

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Rozzi, R., F. Massardo, F. Cruz, C. Grenier, A. Munoz, E. Mueller, & J. Elbers. 2010. Galapagos and Cape Horn: ecotourism or greenwashing in two emblematic Latin American archipelagoes? Environmental Philosophy 7 (2): 1 - 32.

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Carmona, M.R., J.C. Aravena, M.A. Bustamante-Sanchez, J.L. Celis-Diez, A. Charrier, I.A. Diaz, J. Diaz-Forestier, M.F. Diaz, A. Gaxiola, A.G. Gutierrez, C. Hernandez-Pellicer, S. Ippi, R. Jana-Prado, P. Jara-Arancio, J.E. Jiménez, D. Manuschevich, P. Necochea, M. Nunez-Avila, C. Papic, C. Perez, F. Perez, S. Reid, L. Rojas, B. Salgado, C. Smithramirez, A. Troncoso, R.A. Vasquez, M.F. Willson, R.Rozzi & J.J. Armesto. 2010. Senda Darwin Biological Station: Long-term ecological research at the interface between science and society. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 83: 113-142.

PDF icon Carmona_et_al_2010 RCHHN (Eng Senda Darwin).pdf

Ibarra J.T., E. Schüttler, S. McGehee, & R. Rozzi. 2010. Tamaño de puesta, sitios de nidificación y éxito reproductivo del caiquén (Chloephaga picta Gmelin, 1789) en la Reserva De Biosfera Cabo De Hornos, Chile. Anales Instituo Patagonia, 38: 73 - 82.

PDF icon Ibarra et al 2010 Anales Inst Patagonia.pdf

Schuttler, E., J.T. Ibarra, B. Gruber, R. Rozzi, & K. Jax. 2010. Abundance and habitat preferences of the southernmost population of mink: implications for managing a recent island invasion. Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 725-743.

PDF icon Schuttler et al 2010 BandC.pdf

Rozzi R., C.B. Anderson, J.C. Pizarro, F. Massardo, Y. Medina, A.O. Mansilla, J.H. Kennedy, J. Ojeda, T. Contador, V. Morales, K. Moses, A. Poole, J.J. Armesto, & M.T. Kalin. 2010. Filosofía ambiental de campo y conservación biocultural en el Parque Etnobotánico Omora: Aproximaciones metodológicas para ampliar los modos de integrar el componente social ("S") en Sitios de Estudios Socio-Ecológicos a Largo Plazo (SESELP). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 83: 27-68.

PDF icon RCHHN_Rozzi_et_al_2010 (Omora Filosofia Amb de Campo baja.pdf

Jofre, J., F. Massardo, R. Rozzi, B. Goffinet, P. Marino, R. Raguso, & N.P Navarro. 2010. Fenología de la fase esporofítica de Tayloria dubyi (Splachnaceae) en las turberas de la Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 195-206.

PDF icon Jofre_et_al_2010.pdf

Anderson, C.B., R. Rozzi, J.J. Armesto, & J. Gutiérrez. 2010. Construyendo una Red Chilena para Estudios Socio-Ecológicos a Largo Plazo: Avances, enfoques y relevancia. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 1-11.

PDF icon Anderson et al 2010 RCHN 1.pdf

Sepúlveda, A., J.E. Jiménez, I. Acuña, E. Cisternas, P. Alvarez-Santullano, G. Gajardo, & J. Santos. 2010. Learning science in the forest: a pedagogical experience. Revista Chilena de Educación Científica 9:17-36.

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Estévez R.A., D.A. Sotomayor, A.K. Poole & J.C. Pizarro. 2010. Formando una nueva generación de investigadores capaces de integrar los aspectos socioecológicos en conservación biológica. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 17-25.

PDF icon Formando una nueva generacion de investigadors Revista Chilena 83 17-25 2010.pdf

Anderson, C.B., R. Rozzi, J.J. Armesto, & J. Gutiérrez. 2010. Building a Chilean Network for Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research: Advances, perspectives and relevance. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 1-11 [supplementary materials].

PDF icon Anderson et al 2010 RCHN 2.pdf

Corvalán, P. & J.E. Jiménez. 2010. Roble (Nothofagus obliqua) seed consumption by Patagonian conures (Cyanoliseus patagonus) in the foothills of Curicó. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 16:17-20.

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Fontúrbel, F.E., E.A. Silva-Rodríguez, N.H. Cárdenas, & J.E. Jiménez. 2010. Spatial ecology of monito del monte (Dromiciops gliroides Thomas) in a fragmented landscape of southern Chile. Mammalian Biology 75:1-9.

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Vergara, P.M., J.E. Jiménez, & R.P. Schlatter. 2010. Effective point count duration for estimating bird species' richness in Chilean forests. Zoological Studies 49:381-391.

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Silva-Rodríguez, E.A., G.R. Ortega-Solís, & J.E. Jiménez. 2010. Conservation and ecological implications of the use of space by chilla foxes and free-ranging dogs in a human-dominated landscape in southern Chile. Austral Ecology 35:765-777. doi:10.1111/j.1442-9993.2009.02083.x

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Olarte, K.M., J.E. Jiménez, L.F. Pacheco, & G. Gallardo. 2009. [Activity and habitat use by a culpeo fox (Pseudalopex Culpaeus) and its pup in Sajama National Park (Oruro, Bolivia)]. Ecología en Bolivia 44: 49 - 53.

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Anderson, C.B., G.M. Pastur, M.V. Lencinas, P.K. Wallem & M.C. Moorman. 2009. Do introduced North American beavers engineer differently in southern South America? – An overview with implications for restoration. Mammal Review 39: 33-52.


Moorman, M.C., D.B. Eggleston, C.B. Anderson, A. Mansilla, & P. Szejner. 2009. The implications of North American beaver and trout invasion on native diadromous fish in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138: 306-313.

PDF icon Moorman et al 2009 Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.pdf

Schuttler, E., R. Klenke, S. McGehee, R. Rozzi, & K. Jax. 2009. Vulnerability of ground-nesting waterbirds to predation by invasive American mink in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. Biological Conservation 142: 1450-1460.

PDF icon Schuttler et al 2009 BC.pdf

Ippi, S., C.B. Anderson, R. Rozzi , & C.S. Elphick. 2009. Annual variation of abundance and composition in forest bird assemblages on Navarino Island, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. Ornitologia Neotropical 20: 231-245.

PDF icon Ippi et al 2009 Ornitologia Neotropical.pdf

Silva-Rodríguez, E.A., M. Soto-Gamboa, G.R. Ortega-Solís, & J.E. Jiménez. 2009. Foxes, people and hens: human dimensions of a conflict in a rural area of southern Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 82:375 - 386.

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Ibarra, J.T., R. Rozzi, H. Gilabert, C.B. Anderson, S.M. McGehee, & C. Bonacic. 2009. Dinámica estacional y patrones de distribución de la avifauna asociada a humedales subantárticos en la Reserva De Biosfera Cabo De Hornos (54-55ºs), Chile. Ornitologia Neotropical, 20: 321-337.

PDF icon Ibarra et al 2009 Ornitologia Neotropical.pdf

Ibarra, J.T., L. Fasola, D.W. Macdonald, R. Rozzi, & C. Bonacic. 2009. Invasive American mink Mustela vison in wetlands of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, southern Chile:  what are they eating? Fauna & Flora International, Oryx 43(1): 87-90.

PDF icon Ibarra et al 2009 Oryx.pdf

Ibarra, J.T., R. Rozzi, H. Gilabert, C.B. Anderson, S. McGehee, & C. Bonacic. 2009. Seasonal dynamics and distribution patterns of birds associated to sub-Antarctic wetlands in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve (54-55 degrees S), Chile. Ornitologia Neotropical 20: 321-337.

PDF icon Ibarra et al 2009 Ornitologia Neotropical.pdf

Fontúrbel, F.E. & J.E. Jiménez. 2009. Underestimation of abundances of the monito del monte (Dromiciops gliroides Thomas) due to a sampling artifact. Journal of Mammalogy 90:1357 - 1362.

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Lencinas, M.V., G.M. Pastur, C.B. Anderson, & C. Busso. 2008. The value of timber quality forests for insect conservation on Tierra del Fuego Island compared to associated unproductive environments. Journal of Insect Conservation 12: 461–475.


Rozzi, R., X. Arango, F. Massardo, C.B. Anderson, K. Heidinger, & K. Moses .2008. Field Environmental Philosophy and Biocultural Conservation: The Omora Ethnobotanical Park Educational Program. Environmental Ethics 30(3): 325-336.

PDF icon Rozzi_etal_2008 Environmental Ethics 30_ Omora article.pdf

Silva-Rodríguez, E.A., J.E. Jiménez, M.A. Sepúlveda-Fuentes, M.A. Sepúlveda, I. Rodríguez-Jorquera, T. Rivas-Fuenzalida, S.A. Alvarado, & R. Figueroa. 2008. Records of the White-throated hawk (Buteo albigula) along the Chilean coastal forests. Ornitología Neotropical 19:129-135.

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Rozzi, R., J.J. Armesto, B. Goffinet, W. Buck., F. Massardo, J. Silander, Jr., M.T.K. Arroyo, S. Russell, C.B. Anderson, L.A. Cavieres, & J.B. Callicott. 2008. Changing lenses to assess biodiversity: patterns of species richness in sub-Antarctic plants and implications for global conservation. Frontiers in Ecology 6(3): 131-137.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 2008 Frontiers in Ecology.pdf

Silva-Rodríguez, E.A., G.R. Ortega-Solís, & J.E. Jiménez. 2008. [Description of the bird assemblage in an agro-ecosystem in southern Chile]. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 14:81 - 92

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PDF icon 58 Silva-Rodríguez etal FarmlandBirds 2008 BolChilOrn.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2008. La ética siempre ha sido ambiental:  Implicancias para la conservación biocultural y un concepto geocultural de áreas protegidas. Boletín Conser-V-Aceión 1:1.

PDF icon Rozzi 2008 Boletin Conservaccion.pdf

Anderson, C.B., G.E. Likens, R. Rozzi, J.R. Gutiérrez, J.J. Armesto, & A. Poole. 2008. Integrating Science and Society through Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research. Environmental Ethics 30(3): 295-312.

PDF icon Anderson et al. 2008 Environmental Ethics English.pdf

Merino, S., J. Moreno, R.A. Vásquez, J. Martínez, I. Sánchez-Monsálvez, C.F. Estades, S. Ippi, P. Sabat, R. Rozzi, & S. Mcgehee. 2008. Haematozoa in forest birds from southern Chile:  Latitudinal gradients in prevalence and parasite lineage richness. Austral Ecology 33:  329-340.

PDF icon Merino et al 2008 Austral Ecology.pdf

Anderson, C.B., G.E. Likens, R. Rozzi, J.R. Gutiérrez, J.J. Armesto, & A. Poole. 2008. Integrando la iencia y la Sociedad a través de la Investigación Socio-Ecológica de Largo Plazo. Environmental Ethics 30(3S):81-99. p>

PDF icon Anderson et al. 2008 Environmental Ethics 30S Spanish.pdf

Rozzi, R., J.J. Armesto, & R. Frodeman. 2008. Integrating Ecological Sciences and Environmental Ethics into Biocultural Conservation in South American Temperate Sub-Antarctic Ecosystems.  Environmental Ethics 30(3): 229-234.

PDF icon Rozzi et al. 2008 Environmental Ethics 30 Intro English.pdf

Berghofer, U., R. Rozzi, & K. Jax. 2008. Superando la Dicotomía Entre Conocimiento Local y Global: Diversas Perspectivas sobre la Naturaleza en la Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos. Environmental Ethics 30(3S): 57-79.

PDF icon Berghoefer et al. 2008 Environmental Ethics 30S Spanish.pdf

Berghofer, U., R. Rozzi, & K. Jax. 2008. Local versus Global Knowledge: Diverse Perspectives on Nature in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. Environmental Ethics 30(3): 273-294.

PDF icon Berghoefer et al. 2008 Environmental Ethics 30 English.pdf

Rozzi, R., J.J. Armesto, & R. Frodeman. 2008. Integrando las Ciencias Ecológicas y la Ética Ambiental en la Conservación Biocultural de los Ecosistemas Templados Subantárticos de Sudamérica.  Environmental Ethics 30(3S): 229-234.

PDF icon Rozzi et al. 2008 Environmental Ethics 30S Intro Spanish.pdf

Rozzi, R., X. Arango, F. Massardo, C.B. Anderson, K. Heidinger, &K. Moses. 2008. Filosofía Ambiental de Campo y Conservación Biocultural: El Programa Educativo del Parque Etnobotánico Omora. Environmental Ethics 30(3S): 115-128.

PDF icon Rozzi_etal_2008 Environmental Ethics Spanish 30S_ Omora article.pdf

Schuttler, E., J. Carcamo, & R. Rozzi. 2008. Diet of the American mink Mustela vison and its potential impact on the native fauna of Navarino Island, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 8: 585-598.

PDF icon Schuttler et al 2008 RCHN.pdf

Callicott, J.B., R. Rozzi, L. Delgado, M. Monticino, M. Acevedo, & P. Harcombe. 2007. Biocomplexity and conservation of biodiversity hotspots:  three case studies from the Americas. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B 362:  321-333.

PDF icon Callicott Rozzi et al 2007 Philosophical Transactions Royal Society.pdf

González-Acuña, D., C. Briceño, A. Cicchino, S.M. Funk, & J.E. Jiménez. 2007. First records of Trichodectes canis (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from Darwin's fox, Pseudalopex fulvipes (Mammalia: Carnivora: Canidae). European Journal of Wildlife Research 53:76-79.

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Brown, C.E., C.B. Anderson, S. Ippi, M.F. Sherriffs, R. Charlin, S. McGehee, &R. Rozzi. 2007. The autecology of the fío-fío (Elaenia Albiceps Lafresnaye & D’orbigny) in subantarctic forests of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. Anales Instituto Patagonia 35(2): 29-40.

PDF icon Brown et al 2007 AIP.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2007. Future environmental philosophies and their biocultural conservation interfaces. Ethics and the Environment 12(2): 142-145.

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Silva-Rodríguez, E.A., G.R. Ortega-Solis, & J.E. Jiménez. 2007. Human attitudes toward wild felids in a human-dominates landscape of southern Chile. Cat News 46:19 - 21.

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Jiménez, J.E., M.R. Conover, R.D. Dueser, & T.A. Messmer. 2007. Influence of habitat patch characteristics on the success of upland duck nests. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 1: 244-256.

PDF icon 56 Jiménez etal HabitatPatchDucks 2007 HWC.pdf

Rozzi, R., F. Massardo, A. Mansilla, C.B. Anderson, A. Berghofer, M. Mansilla, M.R. Gallardo, J. Plana, U. Berghofer, X. Arango, S. Russell, P. Araya, & E. Barros. 2007. La Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos:  un desafío para la conservación de la biodiversidad e implementación del desarrollo sustentable en el extremo austral de América. Anales Instituto Patagonia 35(1): 55-70.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 2007 AIP.pdf

Jiménez, J.E. 2007. Ecology of a coastal population of the critically endangered Darwin's fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes) on Chiloé Island, southern Chile. Journal of Zoology 271:63-77.

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Arango, X.,R. Rozzi, F. Massardo, C.B. Anderson, & T. Ibarra. 2007. Descubrimiento e implementación del pájaro carpintero gigante (campephilus magellanicus) como especie carismática: una aproximación biocultural para la conservación en la reserva de biosfera Cabo de Hornos. Magallania 35(2): 71-88.

PDF icon Arango et al 2007 Magallania.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2007. De las ciencias ecológicas hacia la ética ambiental. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 80: 521-534.

PDF icon Rozzi 2007 RCHN.pdf

Haider, S. & K. Jax. 2007. The application of environmental ethics in biological conservation: a case study from the southernmost tip of the Americas. Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 2559-2573.


Moorman, M.C., C.B. Anderson, A.G. Gutiérrez, R. Charlin, & R. Rozzi. 2006. Watershed conservation and aquatic benthic macroinvertebrate diversity in the Alberto D’agostini National Park, Tierra del Fuego, Chile.  Anales Instituto Patagonia 34: 41-58.

PDF icon Moorman et al 2006 AIP.pdf

Anderson, C.B., C.R. Griffith, A.D. Rosemond, R. Rozzi, & O. Dollenz. 2006. The effects of invasive North American beavers on riparian plant communities in Cape Horn, Chile.  Do exotic beavers engineer differently in sub-Antarctic ecosystems? Biological Conservation 128: 467-474.

PDF icon Anderson et al 2006 BC.pdf

Buschmann, A.H., V.A. Riquelme, M.C. Hernández-González, D. Varela, J.E. Jiménez, L.A. Henríquez, P.A. Vergara, R. Guíñez, & L. Filún. 2006. A review of the impacts of salmonid farming on marine coastal ecosystems in the southeast Pacific. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63: 1338 - 1345.

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Silva-Rodríguez E.A., G.R. Ortega-Solís, & J.E. Jiménez. 2006. Aves silvestres: actitudes, prácticas y mitos en una localidad rural del Sur de Chile. Articulos. 12: 2 - 14.

PDF icon 52 Silva etal BirdAttitudesChile 2006 BolChilOrn.pdf

Anderson, C.B., R. Rozzi, J.C. Torres-Mura, S.M. McGehee, M.F. Sherriffs, E. Schuttler, & A.D. Rosemond. 2006. Exotic vertebrate fauna in the remote and pristine sub-Antarctic Cape Horn Archipelago, Chile. Biodiversity and Conservation 15: 3295-3313.

PDF icon Anderson et al 2006 BandC.pdf

Rozzi, R., F. Massardo, C.B. Anderson, K. Heidinger, & J.A. Silander, Jr. 2006. Ten principles for biocultural conservation at the southern tip of the Americas: the approach of the Omora EthnobotanicalPark. Ecology and Society 11(1): 43. [online] URL:

PDF icon Rozzi et al 2006 Ten Principles for Biocultural Conservation.pdf

Conover, M.R., R.L. King Jr, J.E. Jiménez, & T.A. Messmer. 2005. Evaluation of supplemental feeding to reduce predation of duck nests in North Dakota. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 33: 1330 - 1334.

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Rozzi R. 2005. Notas y comentarios bibliográficos. Magallania, 33: 177-184.

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Rozzi, R., J.M. Draguicevic, X. Arango, M. Sherriffs, S. Ippi, C.B. Anderson, M. Acevedo, J. Plana, E. Cortés, & F. Massardo. 2005. Desde la ciencia hacia la conservación: el programa de educación y ética ambiental del Parque Etnobotánico Omora. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 21 (2): 20 - 29.

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Rozzi, R., F. Massardo, C.B. Anderson, & J. Silander, Jr. 2004. Ten Dimensions of a Biocultural conservation approach at the Austral tip of the Americas. Sustainable Communities Review 7(1): 76-82.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 2004 Sustainable Communities Review.pdf

Jax, K. & R. Rozzi. 2004. Ecological theory and values in the determination of conservation goals: examples from temperate regions of Germany, United States of America, and Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 77: 349-366.

PDF icon Jax & Rozzi 2004 RCHN.pdf

Ippi, S., & R. Rozzi. 2004. Actividad diurna y nocturna del Concón (Strix rufipes) en los bosques del Cabo de Hornos. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 10: 9-12.

PDF icon Ippi and Rozzi 2004 BCO.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2004. Implicaciones éticas de narrativas Yaganes y Mapuches sobre las aves de los bosques templados de Sudamérica austral.  Ornitologia Neotropical 15(Suppl.): 435-444.

PDF icon Rozzi 2004 Ornitologia Neotropical.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2004. Integrando los modos de conocer y convivir con la diversidad biocultural. Ambiente Y Dessarrollo 20(1): 83-85.

PDF icon Rozzi 2004 AandD.pdf

Rozzi, R., R. Charlin, S. Ippi, & O. Dollenz. 2004. Cabo de Hornos: un parque nacional libre de especies exóticas en el confín de América. Anales Instituto Patagonia 32: 55-62.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 2004 AIP.pdf

McGehee, S. M.,R. Rozzi, C.B. Anderson, S. Ippi, R. Vásquez, & S. Woodland. 2004. Late-summer presence of the Patagonian tyrant, Colorhamphyus Parvirostris (Darwin) on Navarino Island, Cape Horn County, Chile. Anales Instituto Patagonia 32:25-33.

PDF icon McGehee et al 2004 AIP.pdf

Massardo F. & R. Rozzi. 2004. Etno-ornitología yagán y lafkenche en los bosques templados de Sudamérica austral. Ornitologia Neotropical, 15: 395 - 407.

PDF icon Massardo & Rozzi 2004 Ornitologia Neotropical.pdf

Lorenzo, A., R. Rozzi. 2004. Una Etno-Ornitología mapuche contemporánea: poemas alados de los bosques nativos de Chile. Ornitologia Neotropical. 15: 419-434.

PDF icon Aillapan & Rozzi 2004 Ornitologia Neotropical.pdf

Spotorno A.E., C.A. Zuleta, J.P Valladares, A.L. Deane, & J.E. Jiménez. 2004. Chinchilla laniger. Mammalian Species, 758: 1 - 9.

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Rozzi, R., F. Massardo, J. Silander, Jr., C.B. Anderson, O. Dollenz, & A. Marin. 2003. El Parque Etnobotánico Omora: una alianza público-privada para la conservación biocultural en el confín del mundo. Ambiente Y Dessarrollo 19(1): 51-63.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 2003 AandD 2.pdf

Rozzi, R., F. Massardo, J. Silander, Jr., O. Dollenz, B. Connolly, C.B. Anderson, N. Turner. 2003. Árboles nativos y exóticos en las plazas de Magallanes.  Anales Instituto Patagonia 31:27-42.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 2003 AIP.pdf

Ippi, S. & A. Trejo. 2003. Dinámica y estructura de bandadas mixtas de aves en un bosque de lenga (Nothofagus pumilio) del noroeste de la Patagonia argentina. Ornitologia Neotropical 14: 353-362.


Rosemond, A.D. & C.B. Anderson. 2003. Engineering role models: do non-human species have the answers? Ecological Engineering 20: 379–387.


Cortés A., E. Miranda, J.R. Rau, & J.E. Jiménez. 2003. Feeding habits of guanacos Lama guanicoe in the high Andes of north-central Chile. Acta Theriologica, 48: 229 - 237.

PDF icon 48 Cortés etal GuanacoDiet 2003 ActaTher.pdf

Rozzi, R.& M. Sherriffs. 2003. El visón (Mustela Vison Schreber, Carnivora: Mustelidae), un nuevo mamífero exótico para la Isla Navarino. Anales Instituto Patagonia 31:97-104.

PDF icon Rozzi and Sherriffs 2003 AIP.pdf

Rozzi, R., F. Massardo, & O. Dollenz. 2003. Un programa de investigación, educación y conservación biocultural a largo plazo en el extremo austral de América. Austro Universitaria 41-49.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 2003 Austro UMAG.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2003. Comentario:  Desde la búsqueda de conocimiento hacia la búsqueda de sabiduría: el mayor desafío de la ciencia actual. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 19(3): 39-40.

PDF icon Rozzi 2003 AandD.pdf

Anderson, C.B., R. Rozzi, C. Elphick, & S. McGehee. 2002. El Programa Omora de anillamiento de aves en los bosques Subantárticos: la estandarización del tamaño de anillos apropiados para las aves de la región de Magallanes. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 9: 2-11.

PDF icon Anderson et al 2002 BCO.pdf

Jaksic F.M., J.A. Iriarte, & J.E. Jiménez. 2002. The raptors of Torres del Paine National Park, Chile: biodiversity and conservation. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 75: 449-461.

PDF icon 43 Jaksic etal RaptorsTorresdelPaine 2002 RevChilHistNat.pdf

Jaksic, F.M., J.A. Iriarte, J.E. Jiménez, & D.R. Martínez. 2002. Invaders without frontiers: cross-border invasions of exotic mammals. Biological Invasions 4:157 - 173.

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Cortés A., J.R. Rau, E. Miranda, & J.E. Jiménez. 2002. Hábitos alimenticios de Lagidium viscacia y Abrocoma cinerea: roedores sintópicos en ambientes altoandinos del norte de Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 75: 583 - 593.

PDF icon 46 Cortés etal Viscacha&AbrocomaDiet 2002 RevChilHistNat.pdf

Rau, J.R., J.A. Iriarte, & J.E. Jiménez. 2002. Diet of Puma (Puma concolor, Carnivora: Felidae in Coastal and Andean Ranges of Southern Chile. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 37: 1 - 5.

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Cortés A., E. Miranda, & J.E. Jiménez. 2002. Seasonal food habits of the endangered long-tailed chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera): the effect of precipitation. Mammalian Biology, 67: 167 - 175.

PDF icon 42 Cortés etal ChinchillaDiet 2002 MammalBiol.pdf

Rau, J.R. & J.E. Jiménez. 2002. Dieta Otoño-Invernal Del Zorro De Darwin: Una Comparación Entre Dos Hábitats de Chiloé, Chile. Gestión Ambiental, 8: 57 - 62.

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Jiménez, J.E. & M. R. Conover. 2001. Ecological approaches to reduce predation on ground-nesting gamebirds and their nests. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:62 - 69.

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Jaksic F.M., E.F. Pavez, J.E. Jiménez, & J.C. Torres-Mura. 2001. The conservation statues of Raptors in the metropolitan region, Chile. J. Raptor Res., 35: 151 - 158.

PDF icon 41 Jaksic etal ConservationRaptorsSantiago 2001 JRR.pdf

Erwin R.M., B.R. Truitt, & J.E. Jiménez. 2001. Ground-Nesting Waterbirds and mammalian carnivores in the Virginia Barrier Island region: Running out of options. Journal of Coastal Research. 17: 292 - 296.

PDF icon 40 Erwin etal Waterbirds&CarnivoresVirginia 2001 JCoastRes.pdf

Armesto, J.J., C. Smith-Ramírez, &R. Rozzi. 2001. Conservation strategies for biodiversity and indigenous people in Chilean forest ecosystems.  Journal of The Royal Society of New Zealand 31(4): 865-877.

PDF icon Armesto et al 2001 Journal of The Royal Society of New Zealand.pdf

Figueroa R., J.E. Jiménez, C.A. Bravo, & E.S. Corales. 2000. The diet of the Rufous-Tailed Hawk (Buteo Ventralis) during the breeding season in southern Chile. Ornitologia Neotropical, 11: 349 - 352.

PDF icon 38 Figueroa etal DietRufous-TailedHawk 2000 OrnitNeo.pdf

Jiménez, J.E. 2000. Effect of sample size, plot size, and counting time on assessment of avian diversity and abundance in a Neotropical temperate rainforest. Journal of Field Ornithology 71:66 - 87.

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Rozzi, R., J. Silander, Jr., J.J. Armesto, P. Geinsinger, & F. Massardo. 2000. Three levels of integrating ecology with the conservation of South American temperate forests: the initiative of the Institute of Ecological Research Chiloé, Chile. Biodiversity and Conservation 9: 1199 - 1217.

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Rozzi, R. & F. Massardo. 1999. La teoria darwiniana de la evolución:  un caso paradigmático para las interrelaciones entre ética y ciencia. Ciencia Al Dia Internacional 2(4): 1-13.

PDF icon Rozzi and Massardo 1999 Ciencia al Dia.pdf

Rae, D., F. Massardo, M. Gardner, R. Rozzi, P. Baxter, J. Armesto, A. Newton, & L. Cavieres. 1999. Los Jardines Botánicos y la valoración de la flora de los bosques nativos de Chile. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 15(3): 60-70.

PDF icon Rae et al 1999 AandD.pdf

Rozzi, R. 1999. The Reciprocal Links between Evolutionary–Ecological Sciences and Environmental Ethics. BioScience 49(11): 911-921.

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Armesto J.J., E., Rozzi R., C. Smith-Ramirez, & M.T.K. Arroyo. 1998. Conservation targets in South American temperate forests. Science, 282: 1270 - 1272.

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Rozzi, R. 1998. Comentario: Dos niveles de compromiso ético en la práctica de la conservatión. Ambiente Y Desarrollo Marzo: 68-69.

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Oelschlaeger, M., & R. Rozzi. 1998. El nudo gordiano de la ínterdisciplinaríedad: Un desafío para las ciencias ambientales y la sustentabilidad. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 14(3): 52-62.

PDF icon Oelschlaeger and Rozzi 1998 AandD.pdf

Rozzi R., E. Hargrove, J.J. Armesto, S. Pickett, & J. Silander Jr. 1998. "Natural drift" as a Post-Modern evolutionary metaphor. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 71: 5-17.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 1998 RCHHN NaturalDrift.pdf

Schupp E.W., J.M Gómes, J.E. Jiménez, & M. Fuentes. 1997. Dispersal of Juniperus occidentalis (Western Jupiter) seeds by frugivorous mammals on Juniper Mountain, southeastern Oregon. Great Basin Naturalist, 57: 74 - 78.

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Hargrove, E.1997. Etica y Educación Ambiental. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 13(4): 47-51.

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Rozzi, R. & J.M. Rodriguez. 1997. Etica ambiental y respeto multicultural. Ambiente Y Desarrollo Septiembre: 104.

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Rozzi, R., M.T.K. Arroyo, & J.J. Armesto. 1997. Ecological factors affecting gene flow between populations of Anarthrophyllum cumingii (Papilionaceae) growing on equatorial- and polar-facing slopes in the Andes of Central Chile. Plant Ecology 132: 171-179.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 1997 Plant Ecology.pdf

Rozzi, R. 1997. Comentario - Preparar a los niños para ser ciudadanos, no meramente consumidores: El aporte de la ética ambiental de Hargrove a la educación ambiental en Chile. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 13(4): 52.

PDF icon Rozzi 1997 AandD 3.pdf

Rozzi, R. 1997. Hacia una superación de la dicotomía biocentrismoantropocentrismo. Ambiente Y Desarrollo Septiembre: 2-11.

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Jiménez, J.E., J.L. Yáñez, & F.M. Jaksic. 1996. Inability of the thin-layer-chromatography to distinguish feces from congeneric foxes by their bile acid contents. Acta Theriologica 41: 211 - 215.

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Jiménez, J.E. 1996. The extirpation and current status of wild chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera and C. brevicaudata). Biological Conservation 77: 1 - 6.

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Armesto, J.J., R. Rozzi, & M.F., Willson. 1996. Bridging Scientific Knowledge, Education, and application in Temperate Ecosystems of Southern South America. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 77(2): 120 - 122.

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PDF icon Armesto et al 1996 ESA Bulletin.pdf

Massardo, F. & R. Rozzi. 1996. Valoración de la Biodiversidad:  Usos medicinales déla flora nativa chilena. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 12(3): 76-81.

PDF icon Massardo and Rozzi 1996 AandD.pdf

Armesto, J.J., & R. Rozzi. 1996. Hacia una ecologáa sintética:  La propuesta del Instituto de Investigaciones Ecológicas Chiloé. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 12(1): 76-81

PDF icon Rozzi and Armesto 1996 AandD.pdf

Jiménez, J.E., J.L. Yáñez, & F.M. Jaksic. 1996. Niche-complementarity of South American foxes: reanalysis and test of a hypothesis. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 69: 113 - 123.

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Jaksic, F.M., P. Feinsinger, & J.E. Jiménez. 1996. Ecological redundancy and long-term dynamics of vertebrate predators in semiarid Chile. Conservation Biology 10:252 - 262.

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Rozzi, R., J. Armesto, F. Massardo, S. Pickett, & S. Lehmann. 1996. Recuperando el vínculo entre la ciencia y la ética: Hacia una unidad entre ecólogos y ambientalistas. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 12(4): 81-86.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 1996 AandD.pdf

Rozzi, R. 1996. Simposio sobre Aproximaciones a la Etica Ambiental;. Ambiente Y Desorrollo Diciembre: 95.

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Rozzi R., J.J. Armesto, A. Correa, J.C. Torres-Mura, & M. Sallaberry. 1996. Avifauna de bosques primaries templados en islas deshabitadas del archipiélago de Chiloé, Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 69: 125-139.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 1996 RCHHN avifauna Chiloe.pdf

Jiménez, J.E. 1995. [Natural history of the Red-backed Buzzard Buteo polyosoma: a review.] El Hornero (Argentina) 14: 1 - 9.

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Jiménez, J.E. 1995. Conservation of the last wild chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) archipelago: a metapopulation approach. Vida Silvestre Neotropical 4: 89 - 97.

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Jiménez, J.E., J.L. Yáñez, E.L. Tabilo, & F.M. Jaksic. 1995. Body size of Chilean foxes: a new pattern in light of new data. Acta Theriologica 40:321 - 326.

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Rozzi, R., J.J. Armesto, & J. Figueroa. 1994. Biodiversidad y conservación de los bosques nativos de Chile:  una aproximació jerárquica. Bosque 15(2): 55-64.

PDF icon Rozzi et al 1994 Bosque.pdf

Rozzi, R. & F. Massardo. 1994. Plantas Medicinales Chilenas. Nueva Medicina 16-17.

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Rozzi, R. & F. Massardo. 1994. Plantas Medicinales Chilenas Parte II. Nueva Medicina 16-17.

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Jiménez, J.E. 1994. Overuse and endangerment of wildlife: the case of Chilean mammals. Medio Ambiente (Chile) 12: 102 - 110.

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Rozzi, R. 1994. Homenaje a Silvio Rozzi. Nueva Medicina 12-13.

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Jiménez, J.E. & F.M. Jaksic. 1993. Observations on the comparative behavioral ecology of Harris' Hawk in central Chile. Journal of Raptor Research 27: 143 - 148.

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Jaksic, F.M., P. Feinsinger, & J.E. Jiménez. 1993. A long-term study on guild structure among predatory vertebrates at a semi-arid Neotropical site. Oikos 67: 87 - 96

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Jiménez, J.E. & F.M. Jaksic. 1993. [Seasonal changes in the diet of the Austral Pygmy‑owl (Glaucidium nanum) in Chile, and its relationship to prey abundance.] El Hornero (Argentina) 13: 265 - 271.

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Jiménez, J.E. 1993. Notes on the diet of the Aplomado Falcon (Falco femoralis) in northcentral Chile. Journal of Raptor Research 27: 161 - 163.

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Jaksic, F.M., J.E. Jiménez, S.A. Castro, & P. Feinsinger. 1992. Numerical and functional response of predators to a long‑term decline in mammalian prey at a semi‑arid Neotropical site. Oecologia 89: 90 - 101.

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Jiménez, J.E., F.M. Jaksic, & P. Feinsinger. 1992. Spatiotemporal patterns of an irruption and decline of small mammals in north central Chile. Journal of Mammalogy 73: 356 - 364.

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Jaksic, F.M., J.E. Jiménez, & P. Feinsinger. 1992. Dynamics of guild structure among avian predators: competition or opportunism? Proceedings of the International Ornithological Congress (Christchurch, New Zealand) 20: 1480- 1488.

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Pavez, E.F., C.A. González, & J.E. Jiménez. 1992. Diet shifts of Black-chested Eagle (Geranoaetus melanoleucus) from native rodents to European rabbits. Journal of Raptor Research 26: 27 - 32.

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Jiménez, J.E. & F.M. Jaksic. 1991. Behavioral ecology of Red‑backed Hawks in central Chile. Wilson Bulletin 103: 132 ‑ 137.

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Castro, S.A., J.E. Jiménez, & F.M. Jaksic. 1991. Diet of the racerunner Callopistes palluma in north‑central Chile. Journal of Herpetology 25: 127 ‑ 129.

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Medel, R.G., J.E. Jiménez, J.L. Yáñez, J.J. Armesto, & F.M. Jaksic. 1990. Discovery of a continental population of the rare Darwin's Fox, Dusicyon fulvipes (Martin, 1837) in Chile. Biological Conservation 51: 71 ‑ 77

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Jaksic, F.M., J.E. Jiménez, R.G. Medel, & P.A. Marquet. 1990. Habitat and diet of Darwin's Fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes) on the Chilean mainland. Journal of Mammalogy 71: 246 ‑ 248.

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Jiménez, J.E. & F.M. Jaksic. 1990. Diet of Gurney's Buzzard in the Puna of northernmost Chile. Wilson Bulletin 102: 344 ‑ 346.

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Jiménez, J.E. & M. Lorca. 1990. [American trypanosomiasis in wild vertebrates and its relationship with the vector Triatoma spinolai.] Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria (Chile) 22: 171 - 183

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Jiménez, J.E., P.A. Marquet, R.G. Medel, & F.M. Jaksic. 1990. Comparative ecology of Darwin's fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes) in mainland and island settings of southern Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 63: 177 - 186.

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