Book Section | Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program

Book Section


Rozzi R., Massardo F., Poole A. (2020). Chapter 14 The "3Hs" (Habitats. Habits, Co-in-Habitants) of the Biocultural Ethic: A "Philosophical Lens" to Address Global Changes in the Anthropocene

PDF icon chapter 14 The 3hs of the Biocultural Ethic.pdf

Rozzi R., La Valle M.T,. Russell S., Goffinet B., Massardo F. 2020. A Guide to Field Philosophy: Chapter 15 Ecotourism with a Hand-Lens

PDF icon Ecotourism Hand_Lens Rozzi et al Brister Frodeman 2020.pdf

Rozzi, Vezzani (2020). Art in science museums: Artistic Activism and Narratives on Environment

PDF icon Rozzi & Vezzani Ecotourism Hand Lens Art in Science Museums 2020.pdf

Rozzi, R. (2019). Naturaleza en Sociedad: Areas Protegidas y Etica Biocultural

PDF icon Rozzi 2019 capitulo Naturaleza Sociedad.pdf

Rozzi, A., Matinic, M., & R. Rozzi. (2019). Sulla Rotta Di Pigafetta

PDF icon Rozzi 2019 Sulla rotta di Pigafetta - cap. R.Rozzi_.pdf

Callicot B., Rozzi R. (2017) Cosmovisiones de la Tierra: Presentacion

PDF icon Intro Rozzi Cosmovisiones de la Tierra Sep 2017.pdf

Rozzi R., Lewis L., Massardo F., Goffinet B. (2016). Samblasober: Luupidega Okoturism Samblafloora Vaartustamiesks: Uleskuste Lounast

PDF icon Rozzi Lewis Massardo Goffinet Ecotourism Hand Lens Samblasober 2016.pdf

Chanthalangsy P., Crowler J. (2015) A south-south perspective: Chapter 5 Eco-Philosophy of Liberation, According to Leonardo Boff; (230-233)

PDF icon Rozzi 2015 Ecology and Liberation Boff chapter.pdf

Rozzi R., Massardo F., Metcalfe Z. (2014). Gooda Global Chorus: 365 Voices on the Future of the Planet; (342-344).

PDF icon Rozzi Massardo Global_Chorus 2014.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2014. Environmental Ethics, South American Perspectives. In "Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering, 2nd Edition (ESTE-2)," Eds. B. Holbrook & C. Mitcham, pp. 122-127. MacMillan Reference Book - Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan.


Rozzi, R. 2013. Biocultural Ethics: From Biocultural Homogenization toward Biocultural Conservation. In: R. Rozzi, S.T.A. Pickett, C. Palmer, J.J. Armesto & J.B. Callicott (eds.). Linking Ecology and Ethics for a Changing World: Values, Philosophy, and Action., pp. 9-32. Springer: Nordrecht, The Netherlands.


Rozzi, R. & A. Poole. 2011. Habitats-habits-inhabitants: a biocultural triad to promote sustainable cultures.In "Sutainable Development: Relationships to Knowledge, Ethics and Culture" (Oliver Parodi, Ignacio Ayestaran & Gerhard Banse, editors), pp. 53-74. Karlsruher Studien Technik und Kultur Seroes, Kalsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Kalsruhe, Germany.

PDF icon Rozzi & Poole 2011 Habitats-habits-inhabitants.pdf

Arango, X., R. Rozzi, F. Massardo, & J.T. Ibarra. 2010. Biocultural conservation in Cape Horn: the Magellanic woodpecker as a charismatic species. (Frodeman, R., J. Thompson Klein, and R. Mitcham), eds. Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity   499-500 Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.

PDF icon Arango et al 2010 Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity_Biocultural Conservation.pdf

Jiménez, J.E. 2010. Southern Pudu Pudu puda (Molina 1782). Pp. 140-150 in J.M. Barbanti and S. González (eds.), Neotropical Cervidology. Biology and Medicine of Latin American Deer. Funep/IUCN, Jaboticabal, Brasil.

:140 - 150
PDF icon Southern Pudu Pudu puda 2010 Jimenez.pdf

Armesto, J. J., C. Smith-Ramírez, M. R. Carmona, J. L. Celis-Diez, I. A. Díaz, A. Gaxiola, A. G. Gutiérrez, M. C. Nuñez-Avila, C.A. Pérez & R. Rozzi. 2009. Old-growth temperate rainforests of South America: Conservation, plant-animal interactions, and baseline biogeochemical processes. In "Old-growth Forests," Eds. C. Wirth, G. Gleixner & M. Heiman, pp. 367-390. Springer, Berlin.

PDF icon Armesto et al 2009 Old Growth Forests.pdf

Arroyo, M.T.K., L. E. Dudley, P. Pliscoff, L.A. Cavieres, F. Squeo, C. Marticorena & R. Rozzi. 2009. A possible correlation between the altitudinal and latitudinal ranges of species in the high elevation of flora of the Andes. In "Data Mining for Global Trends in Mountain Biodiversity. E. Spehn & C. Körner & (eds.), pp. 29-38. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. Boca Raton, Florida

PDF icon Arroyo et al 2010 CRC High Altitude Mt Biodiversity.pdf

Rozzi, R. & A. Poole. 2008. Biocultural and Linguistic Diversity. In "Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy," Eds. B. Callicott & R. Frodeman, Volume 1: pp.100-104. MacMillan Reference Book - Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan.

PDF icon Rozzi & Poole 2008 Biocultural Diversity Encyclopedia Env Philosophy.pdf

Rozzi, R., J.J. Armesto & S.T.A. Pickett 2008. Ecology: V Disequilibrium Ecology. In "Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy," Eds. B. Callicott & R. Frodeman, Volume 1: pp.257-259. MacMillan Reference Book - Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan.

PDF icon Rozzi Armesto Pickett 2008 Disequelbrium Ecology Encyclopedia Env Philosophy.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2008. South America Envrionmental Ethics. In "Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy," Eds. B. Callicott & R. Frodeman, Volume 2: pp.262-268. MacMillan Reference Book - Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan.

PDF icon Rozzi 2008 South America Encyclopedia Env Philosophy.pdf

Armesto, J.J., R. Rozzi & S.T.A. Pickett. 2008. Ecology: Patch Dynamics. In "Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy," Eds. B. Callicott & R. Frodeman, Volume 1: pp.259-262. MacMillan Reference Book - Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan.

PDF icon Armesto Rozzi Pickett 2008 Patch Dynamics Encyclopedia Env Philosophy.pdf

Anderson, C. & R. Rozzi. 2008. Edward O. Wilson. In "Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy," Eds. B. Callicott & R. Frodeman, Volume 2: pp.407-408. MacMillan Reference Book - Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan.

PDF icon Anderson & Rozzi 2008 EO Wilson Encyclopedia Env Philosophy.pdf

Rozzi, R. & F. Massardo. 2008. Fish Farming. In "Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy," Eds. B. Callicott & R. Frodeman, Volume 1: pp.428-430. MacMillan Reference Book - Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan.

PDF icon Rozzi & Massardo 2008 Fish Farming Encyclopedia Env Philosophy.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2008. Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. In "Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy," Eds. B. Callicott & R. Frodeman, Volume 2: p.340. MacMillan Reference Book - Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan.

PDF icon Rozzi 2008 Cape Horn BR Encyclopedia Env Philosophy.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2007. Future Environmental Philosophies and their Biocultural Conservation Interfaces. Ethics and the Environment 12 (2): 142-145.

PDF icon Ethics and the Environment 2007 The Future of Environmental Philosophy.pdf

Rozzi, R. 2008. Biodiversidad en la educación informal: Turismo con lupa en Cabo de Hornos. In: "Biodiversidad de Chile: Patrimonio y Desafíos", pp. 628-630. Tercera Edición. Actualizada. Ocho Comisión Nacional del Medioambiente, Santiago, Chile.

PDF icon Rozzi 2008_CONAMA Turismo_con_lupa.pdf

Armesto, J.J., M. Carmona, J.L. Celis-Diez, A. Gaxiola, A.C. Gutiérrez, I. Díaz, M. Nuñez-Avil, C. Pérez, R. Rozzi, & C. Smith-Ramírez. 2009. Old-growth temperate rain forests of South America:  Conservation, plant-animal interactions, and baseline biogeochemical processes. In: Wirth, C., M. Heimann and G. Gleixner, eds Old Growth Forests: Function, Fate and Value. pp.367-390. Ecological Studies Series, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

PDF icon Armesto et al 2009 Old Growth Forests_Old-Growth Temperate Rainforests of.pdf

Jax, K. & R. Rozzi. 2008. Ecological theory and values in the determination of conservation goals: examples from temperate regions of Germany, USA and Chile. In "The Wilderness Debate Rages ," Michael P. Nelson and J. Baird Callicott, eds., On (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2008): 664-691.

PDF icon Jax & Rozzi 2008 Ecological theory and values_The Wildernerss Debate RagesBAJA.pdf

Rozzi R., Massardo F., Silander J., Anderson C., Marin A. (2003) Conservacion Biocultural y Bienestar Social: Capitulo II

PDF icon Rozzi et al. 2003 Conservación biocultural y ética ambiental Ed Universitaria.pdf

Armesto, J.J., R. Rozzi & P. León-Lobos. 1995. Ecología de los Bosques Chilenos: Síntesis y Proyecciones. In "Ecología de los Bosques Nativos de Chile" (J.J. Armesto, C. Villagrán & M.T. Kalin, eds.), pp: 405-421. Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, Chile.

PDF icon Armesto_et_al_1996_Ecologia Bosques Nativos.pdf

Rozzi, R., J.E. Jiménez, F. Massardo, J.C. Torres-Mura, & R. Rajan. 2014. The Omora Park Long-Term Ornithological Research Program: Study Sites and Methods. Pp. 3-39, Sub-Antarctic Magellanic Ornithology, First Decade of Bird Studies at Omora Ethnobotanical Park: Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. University of North Texas Press, Denton-Universidad de Magallanes, Chile. xx + 375 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1-57441-531-5.


10) Jiménez, J.E. 2012. Exploitation of wild chinchilla as a tragedy of the commons. Pp. 80-81, in D.J. Decker, S.J. Riley, and W.F. Siemer (eds.), Human Dimensions of Wildlife Damage. 2nd ed. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. ISBN-10 1421406543


Rozzi, R. & J.E. Jiménez. 2014. Ornithological Research at Omora Park: The Longest Bird-banding Program in Sub-Antarctic Forests of the Southern Hemisphere. Preface. Pp. XI-XVI, in Sub-Antarctic Magellanic Ornithology, First Decade of Bird Studies at Omora Ethnobotanical Park: Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. University of North Texas Press, Denton-Universidad de Magallanes, Chile. xx + 375 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1-57441-531-5.


Rozzi, R. & J.E. Jiménez. 2014. A summary of the birds captured with mist-nets and/or censused in the southernmost forests of the world. Pp. 41-42, in Sub-Antarctic Magellanic Ornithology, First Decade of Bird Studies at Omora Ethnobotanical Park: Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. University of North Texas Press, Denton-Universidad de Magallanes, Chile. xx + 375 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1-57441-531-5.


Elphick, C.S., J.E. Jiménez, R. Reyes, & R. Rozzi. 2014. Introduction to the Seasonal Dynamics of the Sub-Antarctic Bird Communities in Different Habitat Types of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. Pp. 185-187, in Sub-Antarctic Magellanic Ornithology, First Decade of Bird Studies at Omora Ethnobotanical Park: Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. University of North Texas Press, Denton-Universidad de Magallanes, Chile. xx + 375 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1-57441-531-5.


Jiménez, J.E. & R. Rozzi. 2014. The second decade of long-term ornithological studies at Omora Park: new ornithological perspectives from the south. Pp. 353-357, in Sub-Antarctic Magellanic Ornithology, First Decade of Bird Studies at Omora Ethnobotanical Park: Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. University of North Texas Press, Denton-Universidad de Magallanes, Chile. xx + 375 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1-57441-531-5.


Rozzi, R. & J.E. Jiménez. 2014. Ornitología Subantártica de Magallanes, Primera Década de estudios de aves en el Parque Etnobotánico Omora, Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos. Universidad de Magallanes, Chile-University of North Texas Press, Denton, TX, EE.UU. xx + 388 pp. ISBN: 978-956-9160-05-9.
