Loni Taber

Loni Taber is a graduate student at the University of North Texas studying philosophy and environmental ethics. Her research involves investigating way-finding and place-making in natural and built environments with an emphasis on inclusivity and social justice.

Loni worked with Dr. Ricardo Rozzi and Dr. Michael Thompson in the U.S. and with Dr. Tamara Contador and Maria Teresa La Valle in Chile.

About her IRES experience Loni states, "The opportunity to study abroad and conduct research in the Sub-Antarctic Region of Chile was remarkable. As a 4-person team, Sara, Travis, Marysia, and myself hiked all over Patagonia cataloging information from interpretive trail signs. In the end, I hope to bring to light the way that reality is constructed and that much of what exists is made invisible by exclusion. In this case, invertebrates, who make up the largest number of species diversity in the Sub-Antarctic are the least represented in educational material, thus, affecting not only what we know about the region but also how we act towards its ecosystems."

Loni will present her research at:

The 2019 Ecological Society of America and United States Society for Ecological Economics Joint Meeting in Louisville, KY in August. Her presentation is titled, "Taxonomic bias on interpretive trails in protected areas of the Sub-Antarctic region of Chile" and is co-authored by, Ricardo Rozzi, Sara McGillewie, Travis Wright, Marysia Borucinska-Begg, Javíera Malebrán, Laura Sánchez-Jardón, James Kennedy, María Teresa La Valle, Michael Thompson, and Tamara Contador.