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Lo Exclusive del Mundo TV: Interview with Dr. Ricardo Rozzi, Biologist and Philosopher 2021:

Read Geoantartica- A Famous Chilean: Dr. Ricardo Rozzi

Take a listen to the podcast, "Philanthropist, lovers of the Earth" with Dr. Ricardo Rozzi- The urgent biological and cultural conservation

Marca Chile Interviews Dr. Ricardo Rozzi, winner of the Magellan Award.

Paula Molina of Radio Cooperativa interviews Dr. Ricardo Rozzi about the Sars Seamount and the Diego Ramirez - Drake Passage Marine Park. Click the link to listen in Spanish.

Dr. Ricardo Rozzi Interviews Stephen Gardiner - click this link to view in English with Spanish subtitles

Stephen Gardiner grew up in England playing in the woods and with an interest in science. He studied biochemistry until he realized that it didn't really fit his vision of the life of as a scientist. He then started studying politics, economics, and philosophy. Over the course of his graduate study, it became very clear to him that climate change was not only a big, emerging, real-world problem but also that it had very important political, economic, and especially philosophical aspects. In this interview, Gardiner suggests creating powerful institutions that will protect future generations rather than focusing on short-term and narrowly economic concerns, in order to deal with climate change. He also suggests having a global constitution convention to bring people together to discuss and formulate plans to create these institutions. Gardiner is currently a philosophy professor at University of Washington, Seattle, where he feels there's a great deal of awareness of climate change and support for environmental ethics.

Dr. Ricardo Rozzi Interviews Ronald Sandler - click this link to view in English with Spanish subtitles

Ronald Sandler is chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts. He first set out to study bio-chemistry on a pre-med track at Denison University until he realized that he could not spend countless hours in a lab and while he did spend time in the labs he continued to ask questions. These persistent questions led him to study philosophy and ultimately becoming a professor. Virtue ethics especially within environmental ethics gives him space to think about how people can develop a positive relationship with the natural world and appreciate the beauty and wonder that's out there. He suggests that virtue ethics has the resources to help see what we should do and define our responsibilities regarding climate change and other environmental issues.

Dr. Rircardo Rozzi Interviews Eduardo Gudynas - click this link to view in Spanish with English subtitles

Eduardo Gudynas helped found the Latin American Center of Social Ecology and has a long history of thought and involvement with ecology. His grandparents emigrated from Lithuania to Montevideo, Uruguay, where his parents were born and where Gudynas currently works. Gudynas studied medicine, specifically for the basic areas that deal with biology and worked in a biological research institute that had an area in ecology. He then began to study environmental studies at the center of the Franciscan Order and received his master's degree in social ecology. Gudynas considers himself as an activist with an inclination toward environmental issues.

Dr. Ricardo Rozzi Interviews Leonardo Boff - click this link to view in Spanish with English subtitles

Leonardo Boff grew up in a region that had a colony of German Protestants, Polish, Italians, mulattos, black and indigenous people. His father taught him to engage with different people and to not discriminate against the marginalized. He was born into a family of eleven siblings and thus with the virtue of accepting everybody's differences. While studying in Germany he had the privilege of attending one of the very last lectures given by Verner Heisenberg, one of the founders of quantum physics. After falling into a deep emotional crisis he fled to the Amazon rainforest in Brazil to heal. Boff immersed himself in the forest for two months visiting communities inside the jungle. It was one of the villages that give him hope, a desire to live, and regenerated his faith. Leonardo ends the interview on a powerful note, "The most important thing is for people to have more hope in humanity to create a better world that we can't let go because there are a thousands of reasons to keep on fighting."