Ethno-ecology is a major emphasis of our program, which seeks to study not only the
structure and function of ecosystems and their biota, but also the relationship of
different human cultures to nature. For example, the Omora Park hosts the longest,
continuously running bird banding program in the temperate forests of southern South
America. Since 2000, researchers, technicians and students have carried out a monthly
monitoring project that has registered over 6,000 banded birds. However, at the same
time, researchers have worked with the Yahgan community to understand traditional
ecological knowledge about these species, information which was published together
with scientific findings in education materials and the Multi-Ethnic Bird Guide to the Southern Temperate Forests of South America.
It is also important to bear in mind that while it is widely recognized that 40% of the world's biodiversity has been classified as threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN;, an equal or greater percentage of the world linguistic and cultural diversity is also at risk of extinction in the coming decades. Understanding that the biological and cultural dimensions of diversity are deeply intertwined, our program has undertaken to conduct research that is also linked to biocultural conservation. For example, a current research project is producing a new book on local ethno-ecological knowledge, similar to the multi-ethic bird guide. In this book, the reader will be introduced to the flora and fauna found in the region and be taught about the different cultural relationships to these biota as expressed in the cultural expressions found in four languages: Yahgan, Spanish, English, and Scientific Latin. The species Embothrium coccineum is also know as firebush in English, muckoo in the Yahgan, and notro or ciruelillo in Spanish.
Excerpt from the upcoming publication on local plant-life of the sub-Antarctic Magallanic region." The species Embothrium coccineum is also know as "Firebush", "Muckoo" in the Yahgan, and " "Notro o Ciruelillo" in español. "Recording of the four different names for Embothrium coccineum".
Principal Investigator: Ricardo Rozzi, University of Magallanes & University of North Texas