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Universidad de Magallanes Realiza Charla Sobre Utilización de Energías Renovables

Universidad de Magallanes Realiza Charla Sobre Utilización de Energías Renovables May 24, 2012

El día Jueves 24 de Mayo, en el liceo Donald Mc Intyre Griffiths, el Centro Universitario Puerto Williams de la Universidad de Magallanes realizó una charla a los alumnos de 5° y 6° básico denominada "La Energía Solar y Cómo la Utilizamos". La charla fue dictada por el investigador de la Universidad de North Texas Jared Fiorentine, quien se encuentra colaborando con el Centro de Estudios de Recursos Energéticos de la Universidad de Magallanes (CERE) y con el Dr. Humberto Vidal, para potenciar el uso de la energía solar por medio de paneles.

La charla se dio durante la visita que realizó el investigador a Puerto Williams con el fin de evaluar la posibilidad de instalar paneles fotovoltaicos en la Estación de Campo que tiene la Universidad de Magallanes en dicha localidad, como parte de una colaboración entre el Programa de Conservación Biocultural Subantártica (Universidad de North Texas, UMAG e Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad) y el CERE.

En la charla se les dio a conocer a los alumnos las distintas formas de utilización de la energía solar y los diferentes tipos de paneles solares que existen, junto a las ventajas de la utilización de este tipo de energía. Además se explicó el proyecto sobre la utilización de esta energía en la Estación de Campo en Puerto Williams.

El taller presentado por el investigador forma parte de los talleres permanentes que se realizan en el liceo, como parte del Fondo de Protección Ambiental "Fortalecimiento del Observatorio Omora de Aves Subantárticas en la Reserva de Biósfera Cabo de Hornos" y del Programa de Difusión de la Ciencia, ambos del Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB), mediante el cual se busca dar a conocer a la comunidad escolar el trabajo y la investigación que científicos del Instituto y de la Universidad de Magallanes están realizando en la zona.

Translated by Google Spanish

On Thursday May 24, at the Lyceum Donald McIntyre Griffiths, Puerto Williams University Center of the University of Magallanes made a talk to students in grades 5 and 6 called "Solar Energy and How We Use It." The talk was given by the researcher at the University of North Texas, Fiorentine Jared, who is collaborating with the Center for Energy Studies at the University of Magallanes (SERC) and Dr. Humberto Vidal, to promote the use of through solar panels.

The talk was given during his visit to Puerto Williams investigator to evaluate the possibility of installing photovoltaic panels on the Field Station has the University of Magallanes in the locality, as part of a collaboration between Conservation Program Sub-Antarctic biocultural (University of North Texas, Umag and Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity) and the SERC.

In the talk, he conveyed to the students the different ways of using solar energy and the different types of solar panels that exist, together with the advantages of using this type of energy. It also explained the project on the use of energy in the Field Station in Puerto Williams.

The workshop presented by the researcher is part of the permanent workshops taking place in the school, as part of the Environmental Protection Fund "Strengthening the Sub-Antarctic Bird Observatory Omora Biosphere Reserve in Cape Horn" and Dissemination Program science, both from the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB), through which it seeks to inform the school community work and research scientists from the Institute and the University of Magallanes being made in the area.

Birds of the World's Southernmost Forests Signal Health of Ecosystems

New Mexico State Univ highlights UNT collaboration in Chile

Lac Crues Sun-News published the following article on May 5, 2012 highlighting UNT collaboration in Chile and representatives from New Mexico State University (NMSU) visit:

"In the southernmost region of the country, the opportunities for New Mexico State University (NMSU) also are being envisioned, partly based on a previous partnership Dr. Wendy Wilkins was familiar with between her former institution - the University of North Texas - and the research activities at the Universidad de Magallanes and the Omora Ethnobotanical Park. A philosophy department faculty member at UNT, philosopher and biologist Ricardo Rozzi, was founding director of the park and specializes in biocultural conservation, as well as the ethics of conserving lands and peoples, in particular the local Yahgan people who were decimated by Western diseases. His focus on biocultural conservation and the linking of human wellbeing with the environment is the core of the nation's top program in environmental philosophy, at UNT. At Omora, one particular concern has been to investigate and conserve an incredible diversity of mosses, lichens and liverworts that they refer to as the "Miniature Forests of Cape Horn." Such concerns, even as far away as the southern tip of South America, reflect issues being dealt with every day right here in New Mexico, Wilkins said.

UNT’s Field Research Station in Cape Horn, Chile, Hosts It's First International Field Course and Workshop

In January 2012, an international delegation of 50 scientists, professionals, and graduate and undergraduate students arrived in Puerto Williams, Chile, to participate in the first international field course and workshop held at UNT’s field environmental philosophy, science, and policy research station in Cape Horn.
Students from UNT’s faculty-led study abroad program in Chile, and fellowship recipients of UNT’s International Research Experience for Students (IRES) grant funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), took part in the international course, “Tracing Darwin’s Path.” The course was held in Puerto Williams, Chile, the scientific center of the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, from December 27, 2011 to January 12, 2012, and was led by Drs. Jaime Jimenez, James Kennedy of the UNT biology faculty, and Dr. Ricardo Rozzi of the UNT philosophy faculty. During this course, students camped on Robalo Lake, and studied the diversity of freshwater invertebrates, and forest birds in this remote sub-Antarctic watershed. They examined these interrelated groups of organism by studying the diet of birds, which includes a high proportion of invertebrates. The study of diet was conducted with a non-invasive methodology, through the analysis of bird feces. Additionally, the students studied and discussed the ethical dimension of the ecological relationships that sub-Antarctic birds have with diverse human beings, including the indigenous Yahgan culture, which represent the world’s southernmost ethnic group. Participants of this interdisciplinary course also included professional musicians, photographers, lawyers, engineers and film makers from Chile, as well as students and scientists from the University of Magallanes and the Omora Ethnobotanical Park in Chile, and a group from Buena Vista University, Iowa, led by Dr. Melinda Coogan, a former Ph.D. student at UNT.
The concurrently held workshop, “Ecotourism with a Hand-lens,” brought together cutting-edge international researchers and members of the local and regional communities to link science with ethical tourism as part of an initiative financed by Chilean governmental agencies, Innova CORFO and CONICYT Millennium Scientific Initiative, and the Omora Ethnobotanical Park in collaboration with UNT. Ecotourism with a Hand Lens in the Miniature Forests of Cape Horn is a sustainable form of special interest tourism developed by the scientific team of the Omora Ethnobotanical Park, which allows visitors an opportunity to slow down and appreciate the diversity of bryophytes (mosses, lichens and small plants) present in the subantarctic Cape Horn ecoregion.
This workshop gave U.S. students the opportunity to interact with renowned researchers and the local community. This sub-Antarctic region hosts more than 5% of the bryophyte species in the world, and over 60% of these species grow only in this region, therefore, one could say that this area is a world “hotspot” for bryophytes. The trail of the Miniature Forests of Cape Horn protects eight hectares of subantarctic habitats and includes fourteen stations, where magnifying glass sculptures direct the attention of visitors to species characteristic of the region. In this context the international, national and local participants of this workshop met to discuss the development of this tourism activity, and how to export Ecotourism with a Hand-lens to other regions of the world, such as the deserts of Arizona.
The Cape Horn Field Station is administrated by the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program, a research, education, and conservation program coordinated by UNT in the U.S., and the University of Magallanes and the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity in Chile. The study of freshwater invertebrates and bird diets will continue in this year’s faculty-led study abroad course, Tracing Darwin’s Path, from December 27, 2012 - January 14, 2013. Independent study and research opportunities will be available for students through the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program to study the sub-Antarctic freshwater invertebrate diversity and life cycles, the bird natural history, and/or the bird diet.
For more information, visit, or contact the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program at

Prasad Wins International Leadership Award

The Sub-Antarctic team congratulates Dr. Vish Prasad, vice president of research and economic development at the University of North Texas, for receiving the Michael P. Malone International Leadership Award, which is sponsored by the APLU. The award recognizes his success in establishing international research partnerships, such as his support on behalf of the Sub-Antarctic program and its affiliated cluster, with partnerships between Chilean universities and UNT.

Since arriving at UNT in 2007, Prasad (pictured here on right with Dr. Claudio Wernli) led the development of a dual degree master's program between UNT and the Universidad de Magallanes in Punta Arenas, Chile, which has been recognized by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the U.S. Department of State and multiple agencies within the Chilean government. Read more about Dr. Prasad's award.