The delegation was accompanied by the Chilean Sub-Secretary of Tourism, and other authorities from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Governor of the Chilean Antarctic Province. Kelli Moses has been working with the researchers associated with UNT Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation (SBC) Researcher Cluster on the development and implementation of the initiative of "Ecotourism with a Hand Lens" for over five years in the Chilean Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, and the IAATO delegation valued this innovative form of tourism and its potential application for sustainable tourism in Antarctica. Kelli Moses led the coordination of the visit working together with the international expert, Dr. Harold Goodwin, Director of the International Centre for Responsible Tourism and Professor at Leeds Metropolitan University. Dr. Goodwin traveled to Chile from April 25 to May 1, 2013, to learn about the novel research and ecotourism activities being developed at Omora Park in association with SBC Program coordinated by UNT, the Universidad de Magallanes, and the Chilean Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity, and gave a series of presentations for local tourism operators and government authorities on responsible tourism in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve and Antarctica in Puerto Williams, Punta Arenas, and Santiago, Chile.
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Kelli Moses, a Professional Science Master student in Environmental Sciences, and UNT coordinator of the UNT-Chile Cape Horn Field station in Puerto Williams, Chile leading a guided visit of a delegation from the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) to the experience of Ecotourism with a Hand Lens in the interpretive trail "The Miniature Forests of Cape Horn" at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park (OEP), Puerto Williams, Chile, on Friday, April 26, 2013.