A review of the impacts of salmonid farming on marine coastal ecosystems in the southeast Pacific. | Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program

A review of the impacts of salmonid farming on marine coastal ecosystems in the southeast Pacific.

Publication Year: 

Buschmann, A.H., V.A. Riquelme, M.C. Hernández-González, D. Varela, J.E. Jiménez, L.A. Henríquez, P.A. Vergara, R. Guíñez, & L. Filún. 2006. A review of the impacts of salmonid farming on marine coastal ecosystems in the southeast Pacific. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63: 1338 - 1345.

Journal Article
Participating SABCP Authors: 
Jaime Jimenez
Pub Type: