The migratory birds of South America: new techniques reveals information on their behavior | Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program

The migratory birds of South America: new techniques reveals information on their behavior

Publication Year: 

Cueto, V.R., A.E. Jahn, D.T. Tuero, A.C. Guaraldo, J.H. Sarasola, S.P. Bravo, V. Gómez, J.I. Giraldo, D.A. Masson, M. MacPherson & J.E. Jiménez. 2015. [The migratory birds of South America: new techniques reveals information on their behavior.] Ciencia Hoy (Argentina) 24:19-25.

Journal Article
Participating SABCP Authors: 
Jaime Jimenez
Pub Type: