Assessing distribution shifts and ecophysiological characteristics of the only Antarctic winged midge under climate change scenarios | Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program

Assessing distribution shifts and ecophysiological characteristics of the only Antarctic winged midge under climate change scenarios

Publication Year: 

Tamara Contador, Melisa GaƱan, Gustavo Bizama, Guillermo Fuentes-Jaque, Luis Morales, Javier Rendoll, Felipe Simoes, James Kennedy, Ricardo Rozzi & Peter Convey. (2020) The Scientific Reports: Assessing distribution shifts and ecophysiological characteristics of the only Antarctic winged midge under climate change scenarios.

Journal Article
Participating SABCP Authors: 
James Kennedy
Ricardo Rozzi
Book Title: 
Assessing distribution shifts and ecophysiological characteristics of the only Antarctic winged midge under climate change scenarios
Pub Type: