Course Syllabus - June 2008 | Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program

Course Syllabus - June 2008

Course Syllabus and Schedule

May 30, 2008 - June 15, 2008

Field Course in Sub-Antarctic Conservation:

Integrating the Human Dimension to Biocultural Conservation at the Southern End of the Americas

University of North Texas - University of Magallanes

Dr. Christopher Anderson (UMAG)

Dr. J. Britt Holbrook (UNT)

Dr. James Kennedy (UNT-UMAG)

Dr. Ricardo Rozzi (UNT-UMAG)

Course Description: The course will provide students with an interdisciplinary research, conservation and education experience at one of the most pristine wilderness areas remaining in the world. The course theme will be the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MaB) Program's approach to conservation - linking people and development with biodiversity and ecosystems. The class time and field work will expose students to both the practical and theoretical aspects of biocultural conservation, including a workshop with the regional government and the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve.

Readings: Students are strongly encouraged to prepare themselves fully before the event, as time in Chile will be very intense with little time to read. Therefore, it is imperative to prepare yourself before hand to be active participants in the course and workshop.

Grading: Grading will be based on three factors:

  • Journals (33%): Students will keep a journal that corresponds to the assigned readings. Each day's reading should have its own journal entry consisting of your own reflections on the assigned readings. Each entry should fill at least 2 pages of 8 ½ by 11 paper (or 5 pages of a Moleskine or similar notebook), and each entry should be completed before the beginning of the day for which it is assigned. Journals will be collected at random and without notice (other than what we provide here). Entries will be graded on the basis of whether students have successfully engaged the assigned reading, and whether entries have been completed on time. Missing a deadline will mean no credit for the assigned entry. Not engaging the reading will mean no credit for the assigned reading. Addressing the assigned reading and having it written before the beginning of each class will earn credit for the journal entry on that assigned reading. At the end of the course, your journal grade will be calculated as a percentage of assignments completed on time.
  • Presentations (33%): Each student will develop a topic related to the course in consultation with either Dr. Anderson or Dr. Holbrook and give a 15 minute oral presentation during the first week of the course. The goal of the presentation is to have students prepare more in depth particular course objectives that will be related to both the student's own interests and goals within the broad course.
  • Participation (34%): Ways of earning points for class participation include coming to class prepared to contribute positively to class discussion of the assigned readings. Contributing positively requires having read, and as thoroughly as possible understood, the assigned readings and at least being able to raise important questions if not providing definitive answers. Talking too much, either by dominating class discussion or by taking up class time saying nothing important or relevant, constitutes a negative contribution to class, and it will not improve your participation grade. Your constructive and active participation in the workshop will also be considered.

Tentative Class Schedule:

SU 6/1 Introduction: Multi-, Inter-, and Transdisciplinarity

Required Readings: Kuhn (, Sarewitz 2003, Frodeman and Mitcham in press, UNESCO on Interdisciplinarity, Lyotard, Wittgenstein (

MO 6/2 Introduction to the Subantarctic Ecoregion - Ecology, Comparisons, Opportunities and Challenges

Required Readings: Rozzi et al. 2006 (RBCH Section 12), Moore 1983 (Introduction), Martinic chapter, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Chile-USA Free Trade Agreement.

TU 6/3 Hidden Diversity and the Notion of "Seeing As"

Required Readings: Moorman et al. 2006, Rozzi et al. 2008, Arango et al. 2007, Leopold 1949, Kihlstrom (

WE 6/4 Global Issues: Biotic and Cultural Homogenization and Its Discontents

Required Readings: Sutherland 2003, Lockwood & McKinney 2001, Larson 2005, Anderson et al. 2006, Jamieson, Sachs

TH 6/5 Integrating Time Scales in Science and Decision Making: The importance of "long-term"

Required Readings: Sarewitz 2004, Golley 1999 (Chapter 2 and 5), Rozzi et al. 2000 (Senda Darwin), Rozzi et al. 2006 (Omora), Whitesell et al. 2002 (Tropical Biological Stations)

FR 6/6 Putting the 'S' in 'LTSER'

Required Readings: Redman et al. 2004, Drew & Henne 2006, BIC Workshop Preliminary Report (,

Read Abstracts: Barbosa et al. 2004, Henschel et al. 2003, Hobbie et al. 2003, Morgan and Curtis 2008

SA 6/7 Navigating the Archipelago

Required Readings: Darwin (to be passed out in field - no journal required), Rozzi et al. 2001 (Chapter XVII), Rozzi et al. 2004 (Chapters 1 and 2), Rozzi et al. 2006 (Ecology and Society), UNESCO MaB


SU 6/8 Navigation

Writing: Recording of thoughts, observations, etc. in journal.

Prepare for workshop

MO 6/9 International Workshop (see below)

TU 6/10 International Workshop (see below)

WE 6/11 Student workshop continues

TH 6/12 Consolidation of workshop results

FR 6/13 Conclusion of Workshop (see below)




Hosted by the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB)

Omora Ethnobotanical Park - Universidad de Magallanes - University of North Texas

Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve

Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region, Chile

June 8 - 13, 2008


Sunday, June 8. Arrival to Punta Arenas city, Southern Chile. Check -inn.

20:00. Reception dinner.

Monday, June 9. Universidad de Magallanes, Sala Terra Australis, Punta Arenas

9:00-9:30. Inauguration.

Inaugural words by:

Intendenta de la Región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Ms. Eugenia Mancilla, Rector, Universidad de Magallanes, Dr. Victor Fajardo,

9:30-10:30 The First Chilean LTER Network by Dr. Juan. J,. Armesto, Dr. Julio R. Gutiérrez & Dr. Christopher B. Anderson

10:30-11:00. Coffee Break.

11:00-12:30. The IEB-UNT International Interdisciplinary Subantarctic Research-Education Network: Integrating Biocultural Conservation and Social Well-Being by Dr. Mary Kalin, Dr. Robert Frodeman & Dr. Ricardo Rozzi

12:30-13:00 General Discussion

13:00-14:30. Lunch.

14:30-16:00. Conferences by Steven Hamberg (International LTER), Dr. Bryan Milstead (Charles Darwin Station - Galapagos Biosphere Reserve)

16:00-16:30. Coffee Break.

16:30-18:00 Conferences by Dr. Philip Rundel (Long-term monitoring) , Dr. Ricardo Diaz (LTER- Spain), Dr. Eduard Mueller (Environmental Policy & Field International Interdisciplinary Courses for Decision Makers in Latin America)

18:00-19:00. General Discussion - goals of the meeting, designing of groups and work.

20:30. Dinner.

Tuesday, June 10. Universidad de Magallanes, Facultad de Ciencias, Punta Arenas

9:00-13:00. Work in Groups

1) LTER-UMAG Group. Sala Facultad de Ciencias Room 17.

Coordinators: Dr. Christopher B. Anderson, Dr. Juan J. Armesto, and Dr. Julio R. Gutierrez.


Coordinators: Dr. Mary Kalin, Dr. Andres Mansilla, Dr. Robert Frodeman, and Dr. Ricardo Rozzi

13:00-14:30. Lunch.

14:30-16:00. Work in Groups

16:00-16:30. Coffee Break.

16:30-19:00. General Discussion - goals of the visit to Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve

20:30. Dinner.

Wednesday, June 11. Omora Ethnobotanical Park, Puerto Williams

9:00. Scientific Team Flight to Puerto Williams

11:30 Arrival to Puerto Williams

13:00 Lunch at Omora Park

14:00 - 17:00 Visit to Omora Ethnobotanical Park, and its Research, EducATION, AND Conservation Projects

19:00. Reception and Dinner with the Governor Antarctic Province, Major of Cape Horn County, and Commandant of the Chilean Navy Beagle District, and Conferences by:

Dr. Sergio Guevara: Integrating Conservation and Social Well-being in Ibero-American Biospheres

Dr. Andres Mansilla: The Richness of Marine Biodiversity in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve

Thursday, June 12. University of Magallanes, Puerto Williams

9:00-11:00. Work in Groups

1) LTER-UMAG Group. Coordinators: Dr. Christopher B. Anderson, Dr. Juan J. Armesto, and Dr. Julio R. Gutierrez.

2) INTERNATIONAL COURSES AND BIOSPHERE RESERVES Group. Coordinators: Dr. Mary Kalin, Dr. Andres Mansilla, Dr. Robert Frodeman, and Dr. Ricardo Rozzi

11:30 Meeting with National and Regional Authorities at Omora Ethnobotanical Park

13:30 Reception and Lunch with National and Regional Authorities at Omora Ethnobotanical Park

15:00 Conferences by:

Dr. Juan J. Armesto: The Value of the First Chilean LTER

Dr. Guillermo Martínez-Pastur: The Value of Integrating Argentinean and Chilean Ecological Research

Dr. Ricardo Rozzi: Integrating Biocultural Conservation and Social Well-Being in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserves

17:00. Official inauguration and signature of the First Chilean LTSER Network

Coffee at Lakutaia.

18:00. Authorities Flight back to Punta Arenas

20:00. Dinner at University of Magallanes, Puerto Williams

Friday, June 13. Puerto Williams - Punta Arenas

9:00-11:00. Work in Groups

1) LTER-UMAG Group. Coordinators: Dr. Christopher B. Anderson, Dr. Juan J. Armesto, and Dr. Julio R. Gutierrez.

2) INTERNATIONAL COURSES AND BIOSPHERE RESERVES Group. Coordinators: Dr. Mary Kalin, Dr. Andres Mansilla, Dr. Robert Frodeman, and Dr. Ricardo Rozzi

11:00-13:30. Flight back to Punta Arenas.

13:30-15:00. Lunch.

16:00. Signatures of Agreements, and Press Conference at the Regional Government Auditorium

17:00: Closing Ceremony

20:00. Final Dinner.

Saturday, June 14. 9:00 Transport to Airport and Return Flights.